That's what people DO!

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"Because thats what people DO!"

I shouted at the top force of my lungs. My heart broke at the memory of what happened three years ago.


Sebastian was held at gunpoint by Mycroft's men.

It was supposed to be a simple operation. We would have entered, killed the guy and we'd have been done by now. We were supposed to go get some ice cream to ben&jerry's after that.

But things didn't go well. The guy was working with the police force and he was waiting for us.

When we entered the house, he was sitting on a bar stool, sipping on a beer. I announced ourselves to him with a joyful hi-iiiii!

Its not because I'm a blood-thirsty psychopath that I can't be polite with my soon-to-be-dead victims. Sebastian walked towards him, pulling out his gun from his left back pocket.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

The guy spoke for the first time, his tone slightly bored. He took another sip, before turning to face us.

"Why?" growled Sebastian. Oh, how I loved when he did that! It was so sexy, yum! I looked at him. His toned skin contrasting with his blond hair, his bright blue eyes shinning with that spark he always had before killing someone particularly tough, his gun aimed to the head of DI Lestrade.

"Because my boyfriend will be home any minutes now, and I wouldn't like to be you if he comes back to my dead body and you two around", he said, smirking.

I scoffed. "Your boyfriend! How cute. And what would he do? Tickles me?" "As I told you, my boyfriend will be home any minute now"

A loud crashing and shouting voices resounded in the hall, along with bright blue lights. Policemen invaded the kitchen, guns aimed at us both. Sebastian sighed, but didnt move. I raised my eyebrows to Lestrade: "...with the rest of the NSY. Told ya mate!"

"Drop your gun Mr. Moran, or I'll have you shredded to pieces."

I closed my eyes, exasperated, and turned to greet the man who entered the place. "Aaah, Mr. Holmes! What a pleasure! but... I think you might like to go. I'm sure Sebastian here would love to see your face as he shots your dear boyfriend, but I'll be kind enough to let you go."

"Drop. Your. Gun. Moran." Mycroft spoke slowly, his voice calm and colder than a dementor. The look in his eyes was lethal. His knuckles were white as he held his cane tight. I know him because I already worked with him, and that look was not a good new. I step forward and opened my arms : "Oh oh! I see someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!" I put my hands back in my pockets and grabbed the gas grenade I kept here. "Dont worry, I think we'll just go now."

I turned to Sebastian and addressed him a light nod. I engaged the grenade and threw it in the middle of the room. The fog and shouting noises filled the room and I ran towards the exit, grabbing Sebby's arm and pulling him with me. But just before I could move him, I heard a gunshot. The bullet passed just next to my ear and ended its way into Lestrade's shoulder. I looked at Sebastian in horror. He shouldn't have done that. And in effect, Mycroft's voice filled the air, overpowering the noises of the room as he ran towards his boyfriend : "Fire at will! They must not exit that room!"

We started to run through the room, hunched in tow, dodging between bullets as we went through the door. We continued to run until we were sure no one could reach for us. Anyway, they all should be helping for the DI at the time.

I slapped Sebastian." What were you thinking?!" "We needed a distraction, boss. Now they are too busy to be looking for us, and I know you like it when I shot people" he said, smirking. He pushed me against the wall and kissed me. He was sucking at my bottom lip when a loud sound echoed trough my mind. I felt him straightened against me and he leaned forward, whispering in my ear : "I love you. Now run." He closed his eyes as he slumped to the floor, dead. Behind him, standing in the end of the road, was Mycroft, a gun in his hand.

As he walked slowly in my direction, I looked a last time to the lifeless body of the man I loved grossly sprawled on the floor and I ran.

I ran for what seemed like hours before stopping. Tears ran down my cheeks but I quickly dried them. It will be the last time something like this happens.

No one will ever hurt me again.

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