Rekindling Love

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Jungkook grab Jimin's collar in anger when he told him what happened. It seems that Jimin wasn't able to hide the situation from Jungkook at all, "You crazy son of..." but Jimin shouted back, "Do you think I wanted to be controlled like this Kook, I don't, but this is the only way to get rid of them one by one." then a punch landed on Jimin's face in an instant, Hope pulled Jungkook away while he yells back, "You're a Park."," That's enough." Hope breaks the two apart. "I deserve the punch, but I'm gonna get her back."," Stay away from her." Jungkook utter, "I'm ready to take all your punches, give me more if you want to but still I'm going to look for her and I'm bringing her back." he walk towards his car and left the scene.

The next day, Taehyung had some folders in his hand. He was about to knock on his door but noticed that it was opened, thinking of something bad he slowly comes in with caution, "Jimin, Y/n...hello? Chim?" then a voice answered, "Well it's been a long time since you called me that name?" Taehyung rolled his eyes but saw the busted lip, "What happened to that?" Jimin caught off guard, "I got into a heated argument last night." Tae just hummed in response, "Where is Y/n?" Jimin runs his fingers through his hair, "That's the cause of the heated argument. She left and I have no idea where she went?" the brother's mood change in an instant when he heard his statement, "What did you do this time?" Jimin takes a deep breath before he replied, "She caught me in a hotel room with another woman." without second thought Taehyung pushed him against the wall and almost punch him when Jin arrived, "Hey, hey, hey. Taehyung, let him go.","God!" Taehyung shouts at and landed a punch on the wall just beside Jimin's face. Taehyung slowly backs off. "What does she ever done to you? All she did since before was love you even if she's not even sure if you felt the same way. She won't listen to us even if we all tell her to leave you." tears are threatening to fall from his eyes, "If you want to fix yourself then fix it but you have to let her go, while you're fixing yours, you're ruining hers." but what comes after shocked both Seokjin and Jimin as Taehyung kneeled in front of Jimin, "Taehyung what are you doing?" Jin asked, "I'm going to beg from a friend and a brother, please spare my sister from all the pain she doesn't deserve." Jimin felt a squeeze from his heart seeing Taehyung gesture, "Please Chim, if you love my sister just let her go, for both of you, please." As he lowered his head and until it touch the ground. Jimin being so shocked by the brother's action wasn't able to utter another word.

Moments passed, Taehyung already left his place but Jin stayed with still shocked Jimin. Trying to find the words to say Seokjin kept on staring at Jimin who is silently crying while sitting on the floor where Taehyung left him. "What will I do hyung." a hoarse voice got the older's attention. "I got nothing to advise you with this one Chim. This will be all up to you." wiping his tears, "I don't know what is hurting me hyung, is it the pain I'm feeling when he pinned me on the wall, the punch that Jungkook me or seeing Taehyung on his knees in tears begging to let the woman I love the most go."," Park Jimin, this name is always been very known from school days up until now. He is one of the most powerful businessmen, when he likes something he gets it without any doubt. He has every in the palm of his hands. But he is also the one that had proven to me a saying, "in every man's failure and success there's a woman behind..." Jimin chuckled, "And I'm about to lose her. I'm sure this time because there's a Min waiting for me to make a mistake and yet I'm about to do that."," We'll if you want to do that, make it a good one." he shook his head, "There's nothing good in breaking up hyung." Jin smiled, "At least you break up with a good of understanding the situation. Do you believe in fate Chim?" Jimin looks at him, "Do you still believe Y/n is fated to be with me?" he asked Jin, "Well, I believe in the fate that I made for myself?" Jin said while looking at Jimin. "We make our own destiny Chim, not the stars, and not by cards but us. She loves you, do you see forever with her?" but Jimin wasn't able to reply, Jin nodded. "I'll go and find her, you stay here, she might come back here, you know she always comes back to you." Jimin frowned at the big brother's statement, "Take care, Chim." Being left alone made him think a lot of the possibilities he can do not to lose her forever now the decision lies on her. "Y/n."

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