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Drinking her coffee in the balcony when her phone rang for the 5th time. "Aren't you really going to answer that?" she looks at her phone without saying anything. "Y/n, you're confusing him. I know he is your bestfriend and that you guys are in a relationship and made some terms and conditions that you think is beneficial to both. You both made it, so I think its best also if you also talk to him if you want to change it." she sighed, "Maybe I want a full stop, Vany." she looks at her with a really-look, "Can you really do that?" took another sigh, "Just talk to him and tell him what's in there. Communication is the key to a successful relationship." she hugs her before she went her way.

Her phone rang for the sixth time and apparently this time she answered it, "Hello?" she was expecting an angry voice but to her surprise it was a soft, gentle voice with a bit of sadness, "Where are you?" ,"I'm here at Taehyung's. I think, I'm going to stay here for tonight. Are you home now?" she asked, "I was, but you weren't there so I went out looking for you." Jimin replied, "I'm sorry I should have called, Vany and I haven't really been talking for a long time so..." she explained. There was a moment of silence. "Baby, we need to talk." she chuckled, "Aren't we already?" ,"I need to see you." ,"Chim, I'll be home early tomorrow." raising his voice a little, "No Y/n, I need to see you now." ,"I'm not really in the mood of doing it right now." in a pissed voice, "What? That's not what I meant. Wait, is that what you always think whenever I say I wanted to see you?" she frowned, "Wasn't that always the case eversince?" ,"What? Is that how you think I'm treating you." she bit her lower lip, "No Chim, I'm sorry, forget that I said that. I'll just see you tomorrow okay, bye." ,"Y/n..." without letting him finish his words she hang up.

"You want a hug?" a voice was heard from behind with a signature boxy smile, she ran to her brother's embrace as that's what she needed for that moment. Taehyung gave her a kiss in the forehead.

Taehyung caressing Y/n's hair while she lay her head on his lap, "I was wondering until when will you keep this up? Its about time you realize these things, you're not getting any younger. But whatever it is, you still need to tell him, that's when you decide what to do." she sniffs, "I'm scared, what if he's not up to it?" he laugh, "Then its your call, whether you will continue this relationship full of pretends or have a better life....without him." she closed her eyes.

Y/n entered to a very messy apartment, her eyes widens to see bottles of alcoholic drinks on the floor, broken glasses, and even flip center table. "Chim?" she called out but nobody answered, she was sure though that he is at home since his car is at the parking lot. As she opened the bedroom door her heart sank from what she saw. Jimin was on the floor sleeping all curled up. She slowly walk towards him and wakes him up. "Chim, Chim wake up. What are you doing on the floor?" he slowly opened his eyes and as soon as he got a full view of her, "Baby." he sat up and gave her a tight hug, "Oh my gosh you smell, did you throw up somewhere?" he point out the bathroom with a cute smile, "Were you having a party last night?" looking all around, he glared at her, "Do you really think I can still throw up a party after you leaving me?" she looks at him with a confuse face, "I didn't leave, I just went to Taehyung's." she said while he tried to stand up. "You stay here, there's a lot
of broken glasses outside, I'm going to clean it up first." was about to leave when he held her and hug her tight, "I missed you." she just nod as she pulls away, "You should take a bath to freshen up, I'll prepare your breakfast." she gave him half a smile.

Y/n was busy making pancakes when two strong arm snake around her waist and rested his chin to her shoulders, "Sit down, this is almost done." He complied  but his stare didn't leave her at all. She places the plates on the table and was about to move when Jimin held her back, staring straight to her eyes he asked, "Baby, talk to me. Don't give me the silent treatment." she shook her head, "I wasn't." ,"Are you still going to make your way out of it? I have known you like forever Y/n, I would know if something is bothering you or not...was it something I said, or did? Its definetely something I did recently. Was the secretary bothering you?" she yanked from his hold, "Chim, stop. I'm fine. We agreed to it so, there's nothing to worry about." she tried to walk away but Jimin refused to let her go and cupped her face, "Baby look at me....please look at me." and she did, there's alot of things Jimin wanted to tell her but he doesn't know where to start...

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