13| Bedtime

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"This is the most delicious cake I have ever eaten," Lisa declared as the proud cook sitting opposite hid her face behind her hands, overcome with the deluge of compliments Lisa showered her with.

"It's just a honey cake, Lisa," Rosie said bashfully.

"But it's delicious. I think Jisoo and Jennie have themselves a rival," Lisa insisted, endeared to see the usually confident Rosie reduced to a blushing mess. It boosted her own confidence, to have that effect on the honey-haired girl.

"Don't tell them or else I won't hear the end of it."

"You secret is safe with me," Lisa promised. 

She was still befuddled by Rosie's sudden appearance, and even more by the sudden turn of events that had her insisting for Rosie to sleep over, but Lisa couldn't help but feel in better spirits already as they shared cake sitting in chairs  in front the blazing fire that she had coaxed to life again.

"Are you sure Honey is alright?" Lisa asked, unable to stop wondering about the cat.

She almost swallowed her tongue when Rosie reached out and squeezed her arm.

"I promise you Lisa, there's no safer place than where she is right now," Rosie said softly and Lisa nodded, accepting her word and trying hard to remember how to breathe.

Comfortable silence overtook them when conversation gradually petered out and Lisa stood up.

"Time for bed I think. Don't want to keep you from your beauty sleep."

"And you have to wake up early too," Rosie nodded as she stood up as well.

"Right uh, so if you'll follow me, I'll show you to the bed."

"How formal," Rosie chuckled as she followed her into the bedroom and stood watching whilst Lisa rummaged in the closet.

"Well, you're my guest," Lisa said shyly and handed Rosie a clean shift to change into. She had an armful of blankets in her arms as well. "Do you think you'll need extra blankets? Pillows?"

"It looks cosy enough with three blankets and the room feels snug enough too."

"Right um...goodnight then."

"Where are you going?" Rosie asked, puzzled.

"In front of the fireplace."

"What? You're not sleeping here? Won't it be cold?"

"The bed's for you. I've got the fire to keep me warm."

Rosie crossed her arms and frowned. "It's big enough for the two of us though?"

"Ah is it?" Lisa said flustered, "I just thought you might need the space uhm...and it's manners after all, letting you have the bed..."

"Are you shy of me, Lisa?" Rosie asked, her smirk making Lisa swallow. "I promise, I don't snore."

"No! No I just..."

"Stay with me. I won't have you sleep in the cold, on the hard floor, in your own house," Rosie said softly.

Lisa swallowed, trying hard not to imagine what it would be like to sleep next to the girl who had slowly carved a place in her heart. It was different lying with her in bed as opposed to lying next to Rosie in the meadow.

"Alright," she said at last. She could never resist Rosie.

Rosie smiled, turned her back to Lisa and started to strip. Lisa also stripped, hearing rustling behind her as Rosie finished changing and slipped in between the sheets. She climbed in as well when she pulled on her nightdress, steeling herself as she laid down, shivering a bit.

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