"If you weren't with this business, what do you think you'd be doing?" You asked. You don't know what made you ask that but you wanted to hear her answer.

"That's sudden," she chuckled. "But, probably a hairstylist."

You cocked your head to the side, "Yea? I can see you being one." Kinda...not the answer I was expecting to be honest.

"What about you?" She asked. "If you weren't a bodyguard."

Clicking your tongue, you thought about it. "Honestly, I'm not sure. Maybe a model. Or I'd probably be working at one of the local grocery stores."

She hummed in response, "I see you as a model." She looks at you as if she's about to whip out a sketchbook and pencil and draw you standing right there. "Yea, a model would be the perfect path for you."


"So you have until next week to decide

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"So you have until next week to decide. I can squeeze in a time for you to meet, and I've already told him about our current project so he's willing to wait."

"Right. I just need to tell him if I'll accept or not?"


Sitting back in your usual spot while Yelena and Armin were talking about the collaboration request, you tuned in since you were curious about it. Yelena stood at her desk packing up and motioned at you letting you know that you were about to leave. You nodded and began to get ready yourself. You check your phone and it was ten in the evening. It surprised you because it was earlier than expected.

Sliding your phone in your pocket, you went to open the door but someone got to it before you. It was one of the employees. Noticing a worried expression on her face as she looked you in the eyes like she was asking for help. You asked what was wrong and the words flew out her mouth.

"I-I think you stay here for a while. We've already called the police, they should be here any minute now."

You scrunch your face in confusion. "What for?"

"Look." She held a paper in your face.

It resembled one of the ancient papers that are in old leather books. A dirty white color, ragged as if it's been ooutside for days. But that wasn't what you paid attention to. What really caught your eye was the writing. How descriptive and disturbing it was. Grabbing the paper, you turned to Yelena who was just confused as Armin. The letter was written in a way that the sender may have been expecting Yelena to see it. It was ghastly yet demanding. You could only suck your teeth, crumbling the paper.

"It's a threat," you say. "Um, how long ago did you call them?" Bringing your attention to the employee.

"Right as I was coming up here," she replied. "Will Yelena be safe?"

You pressed your lips together and nodded. "Of course, she will. And I appreciate you for calling the police. You handled this well." You grabbed her hand hoping it would calm her down and it did. "I won't let anything happen to her." I've never seen someone so scared. God, she's shaking.

You thought about showing Armin but you knew that wouldn't end well. Letting out a long sigh, you leaned on the wall nibbling on your nail. Asking yourself questions that you couldn't answer. Wondering why the letter was so descriptive and who could be the sender. It gave you a headache and you were slightly frustrated. You were so deep in thought that you didn't even hear Yelena and Armin trying to get your attention. It was until you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Huh, what's wrong?"

Yelena lowers her head to meet your eyes, "You went all silent on us."

"S-sorry," you clear your throat.

"Don't get lost in your head," she says. "And the police are here."

When they arrived, they questioned you and asked for the letter. They also suggested to follow behind while you and Yelena went home in case something was to happen. When you got there, they asked a few more questions and then left. You sighed as you plopped on the couch, leaning your head back. You just couldn't stop thinking about what was written.

"Who could be that sick in the head?"

Yelena came and sat next to you quietly. It was unusual so you knew why she was there.

"I will not be giving you the details on that letter," you spoke, looking at her. "You hungry? I'll go make something." You got up and went to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator. "Oh...well there's the breakfast I had this morning, I'll heat that up for you." So you did, pouring her something to drink as well before setting it on the dining table. "I'm gonna take a shower."

"You aren't eating?" She asked.

Your want for food simply went away after seeing that letter. Eating wouldn't go so well and you wanted to prevent the outcome of that. So you lied, saying you weren't really hungry before going into your room.

"That's scary

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"That's scary. They must really mean it."

Crimson - Yelena x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now