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"If it hurts so much, I'll give you a massage-"

"I'll deck you. Get off of me."

You winced as you stood to your feet. Yelena suggested you teach her self defense and to your surprise, it was as if she didn't need your lesson. You glared at her as she stood there with a smirk plastered on her face. The two of you had been in the gym for almost two hours. Even though you were tired enough she still wanted to stay there so you had no choice but to stay.

You scowl, "Why do you need to learn anyway, you have me." You rubbed your lower back, not expecting her to be that strong.

"Just in case," she shrugged. "You could be gone at some point."

You laughed, "You sound stupid. Where would I go? Hmm?" You locked eyes with her, cocking your head to the side. You watch her avert her eyes, a small smile appearing on her face.

"I don't know," she answered, bringing her eyes back to you. "Just saying."

You roll your eyes, grabbing your water bottle. Weirdo. You thought as you chugged the water. You capped the bottle, "Whatever didn't you say you had to meet someone?" She hummed in response, taking her hair out of her ponytail, letting her hair fall before raking her fingers through it.

"Yea but it's not until later. So we can chill for a bit," she said. "Together by the way-"

"Shut it," you cut her off, walking past her and toward the door. She laughed at your reaction. You were officially used to her remarks. You always had the same response to them, barely giving them thought. You held the door waiting for her to exit but she held the door instead. You sighed, not questioning it; just went on towards the elevator. You could feel her eyes on you as you walked. You chuckled, "You shouldn't stare at your bodyguard's ass. It's not very professional." You looked over your shoulder at her.

"Well it's there Y/N." Her voice was monotonous. "Not my fault."

You sighed, "Mhm, yea okay. I'm showering first."


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Crimson - Yelena x Fem ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora