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Nya, Rikland, and I walked into Fellowship Church the next morning at 8:45. They had their fingers interlaced with me behind them. Nya--wearing jeans and a flowy, bright yellow blouse--was leaning on Rikland who was wearing jeans and a nice button down shirt. They found our usual pew and sat down. I sunk down onto the end and watched the worship team as they played the usual song they did as we entered.

When I looked over, I saw Rikland smiling with his head bowed, whispering something to Nya. She giggled and tilted her chin up to peck her lips against his.

I smiled and moved my head forward again. I didn't mind third-wheeling them, especially since I hated going to church alone, but sometimes, they seemed to forget they were in a church.

As my eyes scanned the crowd, I saw Tiffany and Tyrella--twins that we talk to occasionally--walk in. They saw me and waved. I smiled and returned the gesture. They sat down a few rows behind ours on the other side.

The service began and continued as usual. Our pastor, a young man who was wearing his usual bold, purple shirt, read from the bible and led us in prayer. He told us stories and could make the congregation laugh and fall silent all in the same sentence. I liked him. He knew how to move the crowd.

After singing a parting song with the worship team and words from the pastor, the three of us left our pew and conversed with the rest of the congregation on our way out. Then, we took our two cars and did our usual stop at a local restaurant. I told them about Knox's date, not that I had much information myself. When I left this morning, he had been sleeping, so I didn't wake him to ask.

Then we got to talking about my book somehow. Nya was my reader and the one who provided the names of some of the publishers I used. Apparently, fashion designers knew people.

"What's going on? You haven't written in a while."

Fiddling with my drink, I said, "I don't think I like the story-"

"No," Nya whined. "You're not abandoning another story!" Obviously, this happens a lot.

I sighed. "But I'm stuck. I haven't written a page in over two weeks!"

"That doesn't mean you should give up. I like this one!"

I waved a hand. "It's cliche."

"But it's good," she pointed out.

"The writing is sloppy, the plot is mushy, and the love story is...weird. Not to mention, my main character is a borderline baby."

Nya paused. "Okay she is a little whiny-"


"But I still think it has potential." I wiped my face.

"I should just figure out a new plot."

"No," Nya persisted. "I will stop talking to you if you give up on this story."


"Rewrite the beginning if you have to! Through a plot twist! Slow down the beginning! But don't start from square one!" As I considered this, Nya continued. "You only have like—what—three months to finish this thing?"

"The publisher said she needed it before the New Year, yes," I said quietly.

"And she liked the idea, didn't she?"


"And if a big-time publisher from NYC of all places likes the idea, then I think you should do it!" I inhaled, held my breath for a second, and sighed.


"Yay! Good! Now, go home and get me information on this new girl in Knox's life. I want to tease him." I smiled at her. Always one for gossip. Next to her, Rikland smiled and began pulling out his wallet to pay. He reached for the bill.

The Perfectly Un-Perfect GuyWhere stories live. Discover now