A Ghost King and his nightmares

Start from the beginning

However, his pleasant thoughts are cut short with the lining of fire spreading all around changing the scene to the war. The plague. The fighting. The shouting. The heavy smell of ash and blood. His hair tied up, and his hands holding a blade. Armor dawning over of his body as he tries and tries fighting for his God. Dying for his God. His eye watched in disgust at his weak state. His arms fold behind him with tight fists as his spirit forms into a small flame trapped among the souls left behind on the battlefield. His temper calms a slight bit at the presence of his God who was prepared to help him cross over not knowing that that small ghost flame would turn into someone who will never cross over as he still had a beloved in the world.

From here his temper flares even more, the humiliation his God suffered by others. Even when he had destroyed those other gods, he would forever curse their names for being so ignorant and arrogant. But his anger was growing from watching himself be so weak over and over again unable to do anything. Unable to bring so much as a bit of comfort.  But the scene that crushes it for him is reliving the dreaded scene of a hundred swords. His temper flares and in the real world in their bed a voice is shouting his name. His eye opens up wide to a blurry sight of a figure in white. Once his sight clears he realizes that he is in the arms of his beloved who appeared to be scared.

"San Lang....San Lang...can you hear me? Are you alright...?"

Hua Cheng stares at him for a moment and only focuses on him as a year sheds from his eyes. Xie Lian is caught off guard. He hasn't seen him cry in so long. The last time he ever saw tears in his eyes was when he was a child. And the last time he actually sobbed with grief was when he kneeled before his mangled body that was pierced one hundred times. Since then he had never witnessed a single tear be shed from his eyes. What could have caused him to feel such sadness in his sleep? Before he can ask the ghost king buries his face into his stomach while sliding his arms around his waist. Xie Lian places a hand to his head and allows his fingers to tangle up in the locks of his raven hair. His body trembled as he hugged him with such a tight embrace. The god frowns and continues to pet him for a while. Once he was calm he slowly raises himself up to sit upright. Xie Lian doesn't remove his hand from his head as he does and patiently waits for him to speak.

Hua Cheng glances down and to the side. His eye widens as he is greeted with a messy sight. Their bed had been completely torn apart. He hangs his head and sighs with shame. He knew that he must've reacted so harshly that he tore up their space. Xie Lian lifts his other hand to his cheek.

"San Lang....it's okay....everything is alright...."

"My apologies your highness...." he says quietly without raising his head to meet his gaze. Xie Lian gently lifts his head and lightly wipes his tears away with his thumb.

"No need to apologize San Lang. It's alright...please tell me what's wrong...?"

In this moment, he was vulnerable and felt as if he was back in his child body. His shoulders shake as he closes his eye tightly.

"I'm sorry...."

"Hm? What are you apologizing for...?"

"I...your highness....I failed you back then.....when you needed...someone...."

Xie Lian's eyes widen at his words before softening with care. He pulls his head down and presses his lips to his forehead. He presses his own to his and smiles softly.

"San Lang....don't blame yourself for those events okay...? We both couldn't stop any of it....and in the end we are not to blame for it either. In the end, you saved me.....you were so strong at the end when you were beside me and serving me as Wu Ming. You grew and managed to survive to become who you are now."

His eye lifts up to meet his.

"San Lang...you're strong, kind, and maybe a bit temperamental in some cases. And a bit of a mischievous character. But you are also beautiful, and cunning. In the end after everything, I should be the one to apologize to you for causing such pain for you...you may not like me saying this I know but let me say it. No matter what has happened, no matter what appearance you take I will always love you."

"Your highness....."

He smiles softly and plants kisses from the top of the Crown of his head down along to his closed eyelid. He continues down his cheek before finally kissing him on the lips. Hua Cheng's arms return to embracing him with his fingers lightly twirling around the lower tips of his hair. Once he pulls away Hua Cheng is left feeling a bit better. He lightly sighs and lays his head against his shoulder with a small smile.

"Thank you, your highness...."

Xie Lian kisses his head, "No need for that...."

The two sit together for a moment until Hua Cheng takes a moment to compose himself as he lifts himself up and along the way lifts Xie Lian in his arms.

"Ah, San Lang...?"

"The room will need to be repaired....so let's go to another room."

Xie Lian chuckles lightly.


Hua Cheng softly smiles and leaves the room with comfort in his arms and his heart. He heads to another room down the hall and opens the door to another room that was normally meant for guests. He steps over to the bed and sets his husband down and lays beside him again.

"San Lang will you be okay....?"

He nods and kisses his head.

"Thansk to you..."

Xie Lian smiles.


His eye closes once more as Xie Lian stares at him with his cheeks pink and gaze soft.

"Sleep well...San Lang..."


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