SCW Tuesday night reload ep 10 Finale

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The camera shows the participants for the main event in a side by side interviews style with Renee Young in the center.

Renee: Ladies and Gentlemen we are moments away from our main event of the evening. As you can see Cody Johnson and Colt Jacobs will be taking on Prince Devitt and Eric Young. Now at SCW first ever live event, Colt Jacobs helped "The Extreme Artist" Cody Johnson which turned into a beat down for Prince Devitt and Eric Young. Now Eric and Devitt what were thoughts on the actions of Colt.

Devitt: Well, it's simple. We were confused, like we were fromed to take out injustice like this and Jacobs just help on of mainly people we were out to destory. So we have to ask Colt, what has gone into you man.

Colt just smriked as he answered.

Colt: I'll tell you. What happened. I was sick and tried of being in the shadows of SCW and it was about time for me to make an impact. So I took my shot and seize my moment. And Now I have my eyes set on the Universal Championship and this is just a sneak peek for what is going to feel once I get my hands on him.

Cody jumped in.

Cody: Now look I just wanna say for the record. That you two, MCMG, should've seen this coming. I mean he was one of key components of that team you guys got there. And once he lost the Mega Championship. It was never the same again. So it's safe to say he is looking for a opportunity. And this is also a chance for me. Because I am going to show Kyle his fate at Destiny.

Eric: Cody looked, we all know that you are just using Colt, hell you are using Ace, Nathan, Ethan, Adam, And Rosemary! You are just using people to keep the Internet championship.

Cody: Eric. At least most of my team is almost full of people, who I have history. You guys are just 4 people thrown together and the creative process called it a day.

The crowd ooooohed as Renee speaks again.

Renee: Well, you all know what time it is......... It's time for the Main Event!

*Insert SCW Tuesday night reload transition here*

David: Ladies and Gentlemen this is your main event of the evening. It is a tag team match set for one fall. Introducing first, being accompanied by the Motor City Machine Guns, at combined weight of 422 lbs. "The World Class Maniac" Eric Young and Prince Devitt!

Excalibur: And you heard that right ladies and gentlemen. This is our Main Event! As Eric and Devitt team to take on Nightmare Lighting aka Cody Johnson and Colt Jacobs.

Corey: It has been 3 years since Cody and Colt teamed together. Last time being at NXT Takeover New Orleans against DIY. The question is that, it the time away from teaming with each other going to impact them in the Main Event.

Wade: With them facing against each other multiple times especially over the last few weeks. I don't think so.

David: And their opponents first, weighing at 205 lbs. "The Human Lighting" COLT JACOBS! (Zawwefan)

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