SCW Super Showcase part 4

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The whole arena starts booing as MJF and his bodyguard Warlow came down the ring.

Excalibur: Corey picture this. UCS754 signs you and puts a crap ton of money in your contract. You come down on Saturday night reload and challenge the SCW World Heavyweight champion to a match and you get that match 24 hours later. That is the situation that MJF is in and he could very well take home the SCW World Heavyweight championship.

Corey: Yes indeed, but MJF has a huge obstacle in his way to becoming SCW World Heavyweight champion and that is a man named Alex Ambrose.

The crowd exploded as the SCW World Heavyweight champion came out with his best friend Paige.

Excalibur: And a warm reception for the SCW World Heavyweight champion.

Corey: Ya. MJF will now only have to overcome Alex Ambrose, but also this crowd and Paige on the outside.

Excalibur: Ya we are moments away from this title match so David take it away.

David: Ladies and Gentlemen this contest is set for one fall (ONE FALL!) and is it is for the SCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first the challenger, being accompanied by Warlow, from Plainview, Long Island, New York, weighing in at 226 lbs. He is better than you and you know it. M.......J......F!

The crowd responded with thunderous boos.

David: And his opponent, being accompanied by Paige. From Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 210 lbs. He is the SCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD! ALEX AMBROSE!

Alex handed the bet to the referee before the ring and the match beings.

MJF starts things off with an side headlock take down. Things didn't stay on the ground for long as Alex gets up to his seat and tossed MJF into the ropes. But MJF just takes Alex down with another side headlock take down and just like before Alex got up. But this time Alex hit a bodyslam.

Before running of the ropes and hitting a leg drop but MJF moves out the way and again puts Alex in the Side headlock takedown

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Before running of the ropes and hitting a leg drop but MJF moves out the way and again puts Alex in the Side headlock takedown.

Excalibur: MJF clearly trying to wear out Alex Ambrose. Keeps applying the side headlock takedown whenever he can.

Alex like the times before fights out of it hit MJF with a chop and then hits a vertical suplex.

Alex like the times before fights out of it hit MJF with a chop and then hits a vertical suplex

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Alex then goes for a lariat but MJF dodges and damages the arms of Alex. He starts to stomping on Alex arms. MJF then hits a suplex of his own and goes for the cover.




MJF trys to slow the match down again by applying a headlock but Alex fights out. He first attack out of the headlock was exploder suplex.

Alex kept the attack going as he launches MJF into the top turn buckle

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Alex kept the attack going as he launches MJF into the top turn buckle. And then knees him in the face.

Alex then attempts the Scythe Runner but MJF fights out of it and hits a stiff punch and he stumped back into the ropes near Warlow and this gave MJF the brass knuckles

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Alex then attempts the Scythe Runner but MJF fights out of it and hits a stiff punch and he stumped back into the ropes near Warlow and this gave MJF the brass knuckles. Alex was getting to his feet and Paige was getting up to alert him. As Warlow was distracting the ref, MJF tried to hit Alex with brass knuckles but end up hitting Paige instead, knocking her out cold. 

Alex got angry at this and took the brass knuckles away from MJF and hit with them and then finish him off with a Scythe Runner.

Alex got angry at this and took the brass knuckles away from MJF and hit with them and then finish him off with a Scythe Runner

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Alex then goes for the cover.




David: Here is your winner, Al-

Warlow then attacks Alex Ambrose as he is already weak and was an easy target. MJF soon comes forth and joins in on the beat down. When suddenly a theme played.

Colt Jacobs and his friends, Eric Young, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelly, Kacy Catanzaro, and Prince Devitt, rushed down to the ring to help out out Ambrose. The two ran off the at the Faces are in the ring as Paige and Alex slowly get up. Colt hands Alex the SCW World Heavyweight championship. The two teams had a staredown.

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