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Aaron walked out to meet Phil only to see men running towards him and his eyes widened and ran in the opposite direction

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Aaron walked out to meet Phil only to see men running towards him and his eyes widened and ran in the opposite direction. He saw JJ, Emily, and David, look at him confused, before seeing the men running towards them. They began to follow Aaron towards where Phil is, which is at the end of the train. "Phil! We've been seen! We got to jump!" Aaron yells out and Phil beat them to it as they jumped out as the rest followed along and jumped, as one of the men threw some kind of grenade to the ground in front of them. It exploded making them think the train disappeared but it was still on the tracks. "Where'd it go?" JJ ask and Emily mutters, "Hopefully the rest are ok." David was looking around as Phil assured them, "May's on there. They'll be fine." David shook his head, "No she's not." He walked over to small branches laid in a pile over an object. He lifted what was underneath into the air, showing the goggles she wore. Aaron looked around starting to worry. Phil noticed and grabbed his phone, "Anyone have service?" The four checked their phones and shook their heads as they were out in the middle of nowhere so, of course, there wasn't anything. They then heard tires heading their way and they knew it was probably a threat. "C'mon let's make it back to the plane!" Phil tells them as they ran into the same field Melinda did and ran into the hot wired truck that was left behind. The profilers looked at Phil, not sure if they should just take it. Phil turned to them, "People in these parts are very trusting." They get to the truck and spread around it in case the men make their way towards their direction. Aaron and Phil put their heads through the windows to see that the truck was working with no key. "It's hot wired. Get in." Aaron tells them as everyone got in and Phil drove off to the bus and they left the truck outside and walked up the ramp. Aaron, Phil, JJ, Emily, and David were waiting for the rest of the team to come back to the Zephyr. They heard an unknown car screeching in front of where the ramp is. A man that they don't know gets out and walks over to them, "Everything will be fine. Your friends are ok. I just need to-" Gazmin stopped when he fell toward shocking the group. They looked at his back and saw a gun laying on his feet and a knife in his back. They looked up shocked to see a bloody faced Melinda, "Wheels up in five." Aaron started to worry seeing the blood all over her face. Phil looked at her also worried about her due to her injury on her shoulder. "You alright? You were on the train when it disappeared." Aaron asked as Phil was desperate for answers and she seemed to be the only one with them, "May, explain, who is this guy?" Melinda sighed in annoyance turned to them, "His name is Gazmin, he sold us out. Get the plane ready. I need a shower." Melinda began walking away and Aaron looked at everyone before running after her. He walked beside her and grabbed her arm, "You're hurt. Let me bandage you up." He stopped when she turned and snapped at him, "I said get the plane ready." She pulled her arm from his grasp and wasn't even looking at him which made him glad, so she didn't see the flash of hurt in his eyes before returning to his expression. He knew she was angry at what happened so he didn't mind it and watched her walk away from him, then turned back to everyone.

Two Teams in One

Melinda groaned as she removed a bandage from her shoulder to see all the blood and the injury. She was about to stitch her arm back up when she grunts from the pain. "Let me help." Aaron tells her walking in and Melinda turned her head looking at him, wincing slightly, with guilt in her eyes. He walked over to one of the cabinets of the lab, and grabbed the same stuff she used to heal his hand. "You could have used this." Aaron tells her holding up the medical stuff. He gestured to the table, telling her to sit and Melinda walked over and jumped onto it, letting out a grunt after. She moved her hair to the side letting him place the cream on her stab wound. She winced slightly making him smirk at her but Melinda wasn't caring about that. She felt bad for the way she snapped at him as she didn't mean to, but she was stressed and wanted this mission over with. Aaron sighed, "Phil said he found the train. Turns out it switched tracks shortly after we got off. The weird grenade released some kind of toxin. Making us believe no time had passed or whatever." Him telling her this finally got her to speak but softly, "I saw you guys frozen on the field. You looked ridiculous." Aaron sighed as he was worried for everyone that wasn't here, yet, "I don't think the others know that this turned into a combat mission." Melinda looked at him with an encouraging expression, "They can take care of themselves." Aaron nodded and placed gauze on her shoulder, before moving the strap to her tank top over it. She smiled at him in thanks as Phil walked in with JJ and Emily. Phil looked at Melinda with curiosity about her wound, "We got the others location. JJ got a call from Morgan. You up for flying again?" Melinda nodded before making her way to Aaron and kissed him on the cheek before leaving the room, not noticing the looks the two received. Phil and the two females looked at Aaron with smirks. Aaron looked at them after placing the utensils away and finally noticed the looks, "What?" JJ looked at him with a smile, "So, you helped May with her injury?" He nodded and shrugged, "Yeah. So?" Emily smiled in admiration at the idea of the couple, "I think it's sweet. The relationship you two have. You may not officially be together, but it's cute." JJ looked at him with atypical eyes, "Do you like her?" Aaron stood in silence for a while, not sure on how he should answer this. The girls squealed and Phil smiled, making Aaron blush a bit. "I can't believe it! This is so gonna happen! HotchMay is going to sail!" Emily cheers excitedly and Aaron looked at her confused, "Sorry what?" JJ then clarified it for him, "Your ship name!" Emily looked at him with excitement before pulling JJ out of the room. "We won't tell her but we will tell the rest of the team! See ya!" Emily told him and before Aaron could say anything, they were already out the door. He sighed and looked at Phil with a annoyed look on his face, "I'm never getting out of the teasing, am I?" Phil shook his head and then turned serious, "No. Can we talk?" Aaron nodded his head and Phil walked over to him and sat down on the table that Melinda was just sitting at. Aaron leaned against the counter in front of it and listened to Phil. "I'm not saying you will, but don't hurt her. May is like a sister to me. I was there for her with everything. I was there when Andrew cheated and she divorced him. I was there when we went to Bahrain. I was there for the many time's missions were too much for her. I know her more than anyone else here. Before Bahrain, she was warm, not afraid to pull pranks." Phil started and Aaron smiled at the thought of Melinda pulling pranks all around the base or the plane. He knew how much Phil cared for Melinda like a sister, and it made him happy to hear that. "After Bahrain, it was like that side of her was gone. It was like all her emotions were gone. I've never seen her act like that before. Then Andrew cheated multiple times on her, making her divorce him. That added more pain to her. Knowing that the man she's been with for a long time was cheating on her was the worst thing." Phil finished. Aaron nodded in understanding, "I would never do anything like that. I have a little experience with being cheated on. Remember we used to believe that Hayley was cheating on me?" Phil shook his head as he added on, "Her phone would ring every ten minutes." Aaron looked at him with a grave look and began to explain his feelings for the woman, "She means a lot to me, Melinda. I would never try to hurt her, or do something to harm the people we care for. Jack seems to like her than I thought he would." Phil crossed his arms confused, "What do you mean?" Aaron began to explain, "I don't know why, but I had my doubts about how everyone here would react to Jack and Henry, especially Melinda. This is stupid, but I thought that they wouldn't like the boys here, because it could be a distraction or cause someone harm. Then seeing the boys hang out with everyone, made me happy that Jack can hang out with these people. I wasn't there when Jack first met Melinda." Phil smiled, "I was. Jack walked over to her and started talking to her. He wasn't a bit scared of her. You've got a brave boy." Aaron smiled at the comment and Phil sighed and looked at him. He needed to know how well Melinda was with kids if he ends up wanting to talk to her about having kids. "May was always good with kids, but never had any of her own, because she never thought she was ready. However, she did take care of this inhuman child for a while. Robin. She would draw the future but because she was young, she could never do the drawings in order. Also, she became like a mother to Daisy and Fitzsimmons. She showed to be more motherly around them then any other people." Phil tells him and Aaron nodded, "I can see that. Daisy always stands next to Melinda whenever we go anywhere and Simmons asked me to sit next to Melinda on the way back from the case in Alabama." Phil stood up from the table and looked at him sternly, "What I'm trying to get to you is don't hurt her and make her happy. Also, tell me the development of the relationship as it goes on." Aaron winced as he was a little too late, "Well, we kissed twice already." Phil's eyes widened and his mouth gaped open, he was shocked now, he didn't think they kissed already. He now needed to know when this happened. "When?" Phil asks and Aaron began to tell him about both times, "First, was after she bandaged my hand. Second, was in the train room when we were undercover." Phil nodded and looked at him curiously, "Am I the first to know?" He shook his head, "Daisy was first to know about the first one, Jack was actually there when the first one happened, you were the first to hear about the second one." Phil nodded in understanding and then asked, "So, no one else knows?" Aaron shook his head, "No." Phil smiled at him, "I'm happy for you two." Aaron looked at him with a 'cool it' expression, "We haven't talked about us yet, so don't get too excited." Phil began to ramble, "Of course. You should go sit with May, she seems to enjoy your company at the wheel. Or lever. Or whatever you use to fly a plane." Aaron chuckled and walked out of the room heading towards the pilot room. He walked over and sat down next to her causing her smile. He looked at her shoulder, checking to make sure the gauze was staying between her tank top. "Hopefully everyone is ok." Aaron tells her as she looked at him to tell him again, "They will be. They can handle themselves."

Two Teams in One

The rest of the group was together, Spencer, Derek, Daisy, Jemma, Leopold, and Penelope, they got off the train after jumping and tried to call the others. Daisy pressed her finger to her ear and it beeped. "May? Coulson?" Daisy asks into her comms. Scatter went through to her ear and she sighed and looked at everyone. Nothing was coming through and so something had gone wrong. "Something must've happened." Daisy tells them and Derek replied, "We should find somewhere with service." Jemma looked at him exasperated, "How? We're in the middle of nowhere!" Leopold looked at them all from where he was facing and suggested, "How about we keep walking and maybe soon find service to call our friends?" Penelope shrugged her shoulders, agreeing, "That works." They all began to walk straight ahead then Derek then looked at them. He remembered what they were coming here for and wondered if they failed. "What about the document? Our mission?" Derek asks and Daisy sighed in sorrow, "We can forget about it. We failed." Spencer smiled and shook his head in denial, "Actually. No, we didn't." Spencer gestured to Jemma as she opened her bag and pulled out the document. She showed it to them and Daisy took it to look at and smiled. "This is it!" Daisy tells them and Penelope looked at the three proud but confused, "How'd you geniuses get it?" Leopold had a bright smile on his face as he explained, "We were told to role-play and that's exactly what we did!" Derek looked at them with curiosity, "What did you go as?" Spencer chuckled as he explained and laughed when he finished, "We said we're from YGA, Young Genius Association, and they fell for it!" Penelope hugged the three geniuses, making them smile through the pain of her bear hugs. She pulled away from them and smiled at the three geniuses. "I love my three little geniuses!" Penelope yelled and Daisy felt offended, "Hey!" Penelope looked at her apologetically before placing a hand on her shoulder correcting herself, "My four geniuses!" One of their phones then beeped as the wind began to pick up. Daisy looked at her phone and saw they had service, which meant Melinda could find them, and that is what she did. They turned around when they heard whirring behind them and they saw the Zephyr land in front of them, and the ramp dropped down. They got on when everyone, minus Melinda, greeted them with worry and happiness. "Is everyone ok?" Emily asks and Jemma nodded as she waved the document around, "Yeah! We got the document!" Jemma handed it to Phil and he examined it and he smiled and looked at all of them. He put it in a file and then gave them a smile. "Good work. Get inside and relax! We finished our mission for the day!" Phil tells them all and everyone smiled and went to the main room, where Melinda was piloting the plane. Aaron walked back over to her and sat down next to her, as everyone began to relax. Melinda gripped Aaron's hand as they looked out at the sky. "It seems Phil and Daisy know we kissed." Aaron tells her and Melinda looked at him to see if he regretted it, he didn't which made her happy. She looked him in the eyes with concern wondering what they should do. "What do you think we should do?" Melinda asks and Aaron look at her and give her an anxious smile as he began to rub the back of his neck. He had an idea and he has thought about it before so he decided to just come out and say it. "How about we start with a date?" Aaron asked and Melinda smiled, "I would like that. When?" He looked at her with a thinking expression, "How about tomorrow? 7 pm?" Melinda nodded and smiled and he smiled back and they then looked back at the sky. It was like a romantic scene where a couple looked into the sunset together.

 It was like a romantic scene where a couple looked into the sunset together

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

2783 words

Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें