My love is solely to you

Start from the beginning

Your tense shoulders relax and you slowly exhale the breath you've been holding in. The heartbeat against your eardrums is like a pounding drum. You swallow the saliva that builds up in your throat and begin to sum up the courage to repeat the words for Inumaki. You find the confidence from his gentle strokes against your cheek and his eyes that are only focused on you. You find the inside of your mouth to grow dry as you part your lips. " you Toge."

Upon hearing your words much clearer, Inumaki's eyes soften. He wears a cheesy smile that grows wider by the second. Inumaki seems overjoyed by your words to the point he chuckles. You watch his face redden as he drops his hand from your face to gently slap his own face. You find yourself smiling at his innocent reaction.

You're sure his heart is racing just as quickly as yours right now. Growing coy, you scrunch your nose and stare at the dirt beneath your shoes. You then notice how the earlier blue sky is turning into a beautiful wash of orange, yellow, and pink. The day escaped from you. You jolt slightly when you feel two hands cup your face. They gently guide your face to look up. Your vision is full of Inumaki's fragile smile.

There's a twinkle in his eyes and his nose innocently crinkles. A hint of mischief paints on his face which causes a litter of goosebumps down your spine and your senses is correct. Inumaki uses his cursed speech on you with a simple command. "Repeat." You find your mouth opening on it's own as the words you said aloud earlier is repeated once more.

"I love you Toge."

Inumaki hums with happiness when he hears your voice. The corner of his lips widen and his chuckle fills your ears. Your brows furrow when you feel sensation of your own tongue again. Raising your right hand, you pinch the bridge of his nose. "Hey! Didn't I say you can't use your cursed speech on me unless it's an emergency?"

Inumaki darts his eyes to the side, puckering his lips out in a pout. The expression easily strikes your heart. But you feign from falling for such an adorable expression. Clearing your throat, you try to sound stern. "Besides, it's not fair that I'm the only one saying this aloud. I..." A blush creeps on your face as you mutter under your breath with drooping shoulders. "I want to hear you say it too..."

Inumaki must've noticed your dejected tone. His smile falls slightly but he perks back up. You feel a warmth pressing against your forehead. Your eyes dart up to see Inumaki's lips then meeting your own lips. He easily steals your breath and you find your eyelids closing. You melt from his sweet taste. The two of you continue to kiss one another, soft and slow.

You're taken aback when you release a soft whimper when his lips pull away. Your eyes widen briefly as your face burns a beautiful rose red. Inumaki stares at you with adoration, a smile gracing his face. His hands that still cup your face, delicately strokes your cheeks. Inumaki then parts his lips to whisper the words you expectantly anticipated.

"I love you Y/N." The words fill your ears and tug at your heartstrings. You thought you felt eternal happiness earlier, but now you're drowning in it. The way the sunset glow streams on Inumaki's face only makes this moment even more ethereal. The sight and moment is too beautiful causing you to suddenly trickle tears in the corner of your eyes.

You're unsure how long you've ached for a moment like this. Not just happiness, but the happiness of having someone who loves you. You never once thought of dating someone. You couldn't think of things like this with the amount of depression you were muddled in. But with Inumaki, anything seems achievable. Anything seems possible for you to dream of. You can have the luxury of wanting to have goals like going out on a date with someone you truly love. You can also become someone you always ached to be.

A girl happy in the world she is in.

"Mustard leaf." Inumaki looks startled as he wipes away the tears that fall from Y/N's face. This is the opposite reaction he expected when it was his turn to confess his emotions. Did she hate hearing it from him? Y/N carefully grabs hold of Inumaki's hands, stopping him from frantically wiping her tears.

She guides his hands towards her lips where she kisses his knuckles. The action makes Inumaki's heart skip and a flip to his stomach. Her lips tremble as she whispers out, "Repeat." Inumaki catches himself smiling from her word. She's downright adorable. Her tears must be one of happiness. He worried for nothing. Without wasting anymore time, Inumaki easily complies to her request.

He leans forward and kisses the corner of her left eye. "I love you Y/N." Inumaki then trails over to her right eye, kissing the corner there as well. He once again repeats himself. "I love you Y/N." He hears her relaxed exhale and giggle when he presses a kiss to her lips. With a groggy whisper, Inumaki confesses his love once more before feeling a slight strain to his throat. "I love only you, Y/N."

Y/N is the one to lean in his lips now, her nervous lips pressing against his soft ones. She pulls away, her eyes reflecting him in them. The warm colors against her skin is beautiful and Inumaki wishes he can burn this image into his mind. Her hands pull his hands down to his side as she whispers, "Me too. My love is solely to you Toge." She shyly looks away before returning her eyes back on Inumaki. Pursing her lips, she looks slightly nervous.

Inumaki tilts his head to the side, a brow raised. He wonders what suddenly clouded her thoughts. Thankfully Y/N voices her thoughts to him after gathering some confidence. He watches her posture straighten slightly on the bike seat and the cute deep inhale she takes. "It's...not too soon for me to say I love you, right?" Inumaki hastily shakes his head to her question. He reassures her with several kisses to her lips.

Her sweet giggles fills his ears as she tries to return his kisses. "Okay, okay Toge. I get it." Y/N pulls away to stare at Inumaki in the eyes. He feels pure happiness from the loving look Y/N gives him. The heaviness of the camera around his neck reminds him to capture a moment like this. Inumaki quickly grabs hold of his camera and turns it on. He then points to the camera, asking Y/N for a photo. She nods her head, a smile still on her face.

Inumaki joins Y/N side, his left arm stretching out with the camera. He presses down on the shutter button as the two create several different poses. An idea pops into his head to kiss her for one of the photos. Y/N smiles for the next pose and Inumaki takes this chance to turn to the side to kiss her cheek. But to his surprise, Y/N must've had the same idea. The two instead meet lips. They both share a surprised expression before melting into laughter.

Is Y/N getting more mischievous because of him? The thought makes Inumaki chuckle. Y/N reaches for the camera, anticipating to see how the last photo turned out. Inumaki easily hands the camera off to her, his eyes watching her. Nothing makes him more happy than to see Y/N happy. He watches the girl beside him smiling from ear to ear as she looks at the photo in the gallery. As much as Inumaki would like to capture every moment he has with Y/N, sometimes it's best for him to just live in the moment. No camera will ever be able to capture how beautiful Y/N truly is.

Y/N comments on the photo but Inumaki's too distracted by her to pay attention. He feels a sense of loneliness at the thought that this day will end and he'll have to say goodbye to her. Inumaki is already missing her despite being with her right now. With a wave of sadness, Inumaki wraps his arms around her. Y/N squeaks out from the sudden embrace but she doesn't fight him back.

Inumaki rests his chin on the top of her head with his eyes closed. The quiet countryside with chirping crickets and the sound of his heartbeat in his eardrums is all he hears. He envelopes the fading warmth of the sun that's setting. He wishes for a day where the two wouldn't have to say goodbye. Inumaki wishes for more time with Y/N. If only he were a normal boy, living a normal civilian life with Y/N. 

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