"I was only trying to help Y/L/N with her painting and she slapped me for it." Hiroshi partially lies, a glimmer in his eyes when he darts his eyes over to you. Your teacher raises an eyebrow, resting her stern gaze on you. She silently waits for your response.

Parting your lips slightly, you point at your painting. "Hiroshi wasn't helping. He came over to ruin my painting." Your voice comes out shaky with how nervous you are from the confrontation. Another voice cuts into the conversation, one belonging to a girl.

"I saw everything, Ms. Yuki. Y/L/N did slap Hiroshi. Look at the red mark on his hand. If she could see color she would've noticed that Hiroshi was correcting the color of the sky for her." The girl scoffs, rolling her eyes at you.

You stiffen, flicking your eyes over to your teacher who sighs helplessly. "Apologize to Hiroshi, Y/L/N." You stare at her in disbelief. If Hiroshi intended to help you, his actions came off wrong. Pursing your lips, you shake your head.

"I didn't ask for his help and he still ruined my painting, Ms. Yuki." You remain firm on your statement. Hiroshi scoffs as he cracks his neck. Hiroshi being short tempered, shoves your painting off the easel. Your painting falls face first into the grass.

Ms. Yuki widens her eyes, quick to scold Hiroshi who waves her off. Your eyes stare at the painting that rests beside you. Extending your hand to your canvas, Hiroshi steps on your fingers. You grit your teeth, not wanting to yelp out. You flick your eyes up to the boy who towers over you.

"I hope you go blind one day Y/L/N. You're undeserving of sight." Hiroshi twists his foot on your hand. The pain causes tears to well up in your eyes. Ms. Yuki pulls Hiroshi away, yelling at him to go to the principals office. She then looks over your hand.

With a sigh, she shakes her head. "You're in the wrong as well Y/L/N. But I won't send you to the principal, instead head to the nurses office and ask for a bag of ice. Your fingers are swelling up." You hear whispers throughout your peers, a few giggling.

You don't retort to her words. You've brought enough unwanted attention to yourself already. Bowing slightly, you turn your back to Ms. Yuki and the rest of your classmates. The warm weather feels cold to you. You no longer expect a single day to go by without someone bullying you.

You couldn't even go to the nurses office in peace when you see Hiroshi leaning against the brick wall of the school building. He hadn't walked straight over to the principals office like Ms. Yuki suggested. His eyes flick over to you when you attempt to walk past him. But you don't go far when you feel his hand snatch your right wrist. You feel him roughly shove your against the wall.

A pain ripples out from your back, your breath knocked out of you. Hiroshi holds your right arm up against the wall, his eyes dangerous. "Thanks to you I'll be paying a visit to the principal for the third time this week." He spits out, anger fueled in his voice.

"Who's fault is that?" You mutter out, extending your left hand out to pry his hands away from your right arm. He roughly slaps your left hand away and follows up with a slap across your face. Your eyes widen and waver from the burn against your cheek.

"For a quiet girl, you sure know how to back talk Y/L/N. Are you mentally unaware too? Read the room. I have the upper-hand here." Hiroshi growls under his breath, digging his nails into your wrist. Panic and anxiety consumes you when you stare at the boy in front of you like a deer in headlights.

You mentally tell yourself to slap him, kick him, scream-- anything. But you're paralyzed in your spot. "That's much better Y/L/N." Hiroshi clicks his tongue when you remain silent. He releases his hold on you, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Next time, keep shut when I'm around. Don't say a word to Ms. Yuki about this."

Hiroshi turns around, not heading to the principals like he was told to. You follow him with your eyes, watching him walk off towards the school courtyard to kill time. You feel your muscles come back to you. You stare at what you assume is your redden right wrist and cup your cheek with your left hand.

Today is the last straw.

You stare at the building beside you, walking past it and heading out of the school campus. The amount of pain you've accumulated since the age of five to sixteen is too much for you to handle. You've never learned a good outlet to let out the stress. You tried to continue living for your parents but your thoughts get the better of you. Selfishness clouds your mind along with dark thoughts.

No amount of tears or self pity will stop the pain. Self harm has always been on the back of your mind but you were too much of a wimp to go through with it. But not today. The thought of ending it all feels so clear. You've wandered over to a bridge you frequently have to cross to get to school. With the time being noon, the traffic is light.

You scan your surroundings of any passing cars. A few drive by but you doubt they had the chance to glance your way. Everyone in Tokyo are busy thinking about themselves. That being said, majority of everyone is looking after their selves. Not just the citizens in Tokyo.

You reach for your phone but forget that you had left it in the classroom. The lack of pockets on your uniform restricted you from having your phone on you. You at least wanted to leave your parents a parting message that you loved them. But maybe it's better off if you didn't. You inhale deeply, resting your hands on the railing in front of you.

A breeze flutters through your hair and skirt. You can only imagine that the sky is a beautiful blue with how warm the sun kisses your skin. The weather is beautiful and perfect for your last day. You ached to see what your world looks like in color but it's an impossible wish.

Who knew something so small like color can really hurt you. Why are you the only one like this? Did you hurt some God in your past life? There's too many unanswered questions and impossible miracles to happen. You were too ignorant when you were a child to think this wouldn't bother you.

Not wanting to dwell in your thoughts anymore, you tightly grip onto the railing. You raise one knee up onto the top of the railing, readying yourself to jump off and crash into the rough cold water below. The wind kisses your skin one last and you give into your negative thoughts once and for all. Tears litter your face as you whisper a goodbye to the world that never accepted you.

You begin to release your hold on the railing, ready to drop yourself when an unfamiliar voice shouts out. "STOP!" You figured it's too late for this stranger to help you. But your muscles tense, your body paralyzed. You try to move but your body renders frozen. Confused, your brows knit together.

You turn your attention over to the person who's shouted towards you. A slim, mid-length haired boy hurries to your side. His school uniform is different from yours. It's collar oddly high, covering his mouth. He meets your eyes for a second before looking behind you.

You watch him lower his collar, a peculiar marking is on each side of his mouth. "Explode." Your eyes widen, confused by his choice of words and you feared for your life. But nothing happens to you physically. Other than the fact that the grays you look at him with turns into one of color.

The first color you notice is the purple of his eyes and then the platinum blonde of his hair. The boy carefully lowers you down from the railing. His purple eyes silently staring at you. Neither of you say a word as you're stunned by the color you're seeing before you.

Who is he and how are you suddenly seeing color?

Actions will always be louder | Toge Inumaki x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें