part 5

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"You are such a parents" I laughed away as Sirius in dog form and Uncle Remus in normal form followed me to the train. "You must feel like you have some once" Sirius told me and I smiled. "Oh, I know. You are such a sweet dog" I joked and he rolled his eyes to me. "I love you". I looked at him with thoughts if I should say it or not, but he smiled. "I know you love me more than anything, words couldn't even describe it" we laughed as we said goodbye, and Uncle Remus followed me to the train. 

"I love you too" he knew that I couldn't even say it to him. "Try getting together with Tonks though" he blushed a little, but he knew that he wanted to as well. "Till next time" I said as I walked into the train, and sat down alone in a compartment staring out the window. And sooner or later my three friends came sitting down beside me, with Harry right in front of me. We smiled at each other before the train started going. 

"I got a picture of our parents" Harry shook his head, and passed it to me. "Is this the old Order of the Phoenix?" I asked and he gladly nodded. "They seemed to be very good friends". "I think they were best friends, like us" Harry said as I gave the picture back to him. We all noticed the awkwardly tension, so I began talking about something totally random. Harry seemed to doze off, but we got back to just the normal friend thing. Without us being together, or not together. 

"I'm surprised the Ministry's letting you walk free, Potter. Enjoy it while you can. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it" Draco chanted as we walked off the train. "And Madeleine, now that your free, do you want to Slytherin?" Draco winked and I got completely surprised as Harry was about to throw a punch. "Shut up Malfoy!" I yelled after him as he just made kissing noises, and I rolled my eyes. "I would never choose him anyways" I whispered to Hermione and she smiled. 

I saw Neville walking behind me, and I stopped to talk to him. "Neville Longbottom, is it?" I gave him a hug, and he laughed. "Watch my plant!", "Ups, sorry", and we talked all the way up to Hogwarts. It felt nice to just let go in a way, and with Neville I will always feel safe. As we walked into the great hall, I saw a face which made me smile the biggest smile anyone had seen on me for months. Uncle Albus gave me a little wave, as I returned it. 

I sat between Dean and Neville which just made me relieved as I saw an extremely pink lady staring at me. Harry noticed as he looked at me. "It was the woman at my hearing", "She looks scary" he laughed and it made me smile. I found myself staring at him, I understood why I fell in love with that beautiful man he has turned out to be. He had beautiful features. I wanted to hit myself in the face at that moment, and everybody suddenly understood that we had broken up. 

It hurt, that was what it is, it hurts to hurt him. "She seems like a devil" Dean whispered to me and I nodded. "More like Satan herself" I whispered back, but to be honest I didn't follow along on what she said. The voices was breaking my head like a stick. It wasn't ever going to be easy for me. As the feast was over, I quietly went over to Uncle Albus's office, and pat the Phoenix. Strange creature, beautiful bird. 

As we were talking, we avoided any subject about Voldemort or negative things. Only the positive, not even my break up with Harry. I think both of us needed it, more than ever. And when the time came, which it would, we would eventually talk about it, but now was no good. I felt like I was doomed, I cared about too many. 


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