" I usually don't do this, but this is the most outstanding resume I've seen in my 20 years of being in this business. How would you like to start training on Monday after school?" Lilly asked.

" I would love to thank you so much." I said, with a genuine smile.

" Great, I'll see you here at 3 pm on Monday." Lilly said, with a smile.

" See you then, goodbye. " I said, as I walked out of the shop.

Whoa! I can't believe I got this job. I know I took photography classes online for University, I never worked in an actual photography business. I worked as a Waitress for a diner, and did on the side paid photography shoots for friends and family. 

I started to walk the rest of the way to school, thinking about what just happened and how I ended up getting a job without even an Interview. As I got to the school I noticed Mike and the rest of our friends were setting out of Tyler's van, they saw me and Jessica Immediately run to me. Jessica hugged me for a second  then let go of me,

" Where the hell were you yesterday?" Jessica asked.

" I was at school yesterday, I just didn't go to the cafeteria yesterday."  I said, telling her somewhat of the truth.

Jessica and I started to walk over to the rest of the group,

" Oh, well I'm glad you are okay, Bella said she didn't see you yesterday or the night before." Jessica said.

" Yeah, I got home late the night before and Bella was asleep when I got home." I said to her. 

We finished walking to our group, We all said our hello's and I told them exactly what I told Jessica a few seconds ago. After explaining about my whereabouts yesterday, we all got to know more about each other. After talking about random stuff, the guys decided to leave and go somewhere else, which means Jessica and Angela are left with me.

I suddenly get this amazing Idea,

" Hey, what are you two doing at lunch?" I asked.

" Nothing, why?" Jessica and Angela asked at the same time, then looked at either other and laughed. Then looked back at me,

" Well, why don't we go to Clallam Bay, I only have two class today since I'm at a university of level school work. So what do you guys think? You in?" I asked them.

" That sounds like fun. Wait, if you are in University level school work then why are you still in high school and not in university? Also I'm free at least period so if we can do it then I'm in." Angela said.

" That's a long and complicated story. " I said, I decided to change the subject,

" So Jessica are you in?" I asked.

" Sure, I'm in." Jessica said.

"We can take my car." Jessica said. 

"Great, so we'll meet last period at Jessica's car?" I asked them,

We all agreed to the plan, then they left. I heard a truck pull up, I turned around to see who it was and it was Bella. Bella got out of her truck and  looked around to see if there was anyone she saw and she saw me, then started walking towards me.

" Hey Sophia." Bella said.

" Hey Bella, Um I have some news, I got a job at a photography shop. I start training on Monday." I told her excitedly.

" Whoa, Congratulations." Bella said.

" Thank you, Also Jessica, Angela and I are going to Clallam Bay at last period.  So if you want to come you can." I told her.

Sophia Swan Where stories live. Discover now