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Zenko was missing, I had heard it was a normal occurrence so not many girls were talking about it, in fact, the owner of the house was threatening silence from the girls doing his best to cover up the story.

It was obviously Daki and you couldn't help but mourn the girls as they had been eaten by this demon.

You also owed her for making sure your ear didn't get ripped off, the constant want to get her back was in your mind, but remembering her demon rank, got rid of that theory.

You would stay in her room for hours on end, listening to her verbal torment and seeing how she would treat the younger girls raised anger in you.

She had sensed demon slayers in the area blaming you for bringing them here. You obviously denied any claims, if anything would happen to Daki you were sure Muzan would blame it on you and punish you for it.

The thing was if something did happen and he was as angry as the other time, you could have sex with him again and maybe he would actually help you afterwards instead of leaving you to tend to yourself.

You wanted him to treat you with care, almost like you were glass instead of leaving you alone afterwards so you co straight back to work, he could be less cruel, maybe treat you like he did Daki.

You hated how your mind always wandered back to him just because you discovered your feelings for the demon.

You wanted to be mad at him for leaving you here but couldn't bring yourself to.


Daki was right about the demon slayers, she was fighting one at the moment, she kept taunting him talking about how his moves were too slow and how he was going to die soon.

The people who had been taken by her were now freed, from what you knew. Zenko if that was his real name was a demon slayer.

You watched as an angered man came out of the building complaining about the noise.

Everyone else coming out to see the commotion, you wanted to go out and tell them to get back inside as Daki might spare them but you were too scared to move.

It was only when her sash attacked the buildings and people outside that you finally moved avoiding debris but you still injured your arm a piece of wood sticking into it.

You didn't feel any adrenaline rush only a vast amount of pain as you cried out in agony.

The 3-inch thick wooden stake in your arm, cause great deals of pain, but that wasn't what was on your mind, in front of you were multiple bodies, crushed by the building some were gasping for air, as their lungs got crushed with each breath.

You felt sick, feeling bile rise up your throat as your stomach became weak the food that you had eaten earlier leaving it and emptying onto the floor, you began coughing.

"Miss please help." A man pleaded, his legs were crushed under the building, leaving only his upper body intact, even if you did pull him out would he survive, either way, you tried to help him, crying with him as he complained about his leg being caught on something, you didn't want the guilt of leaving the man to die.

Tears began to well up in your eyes as you struggled to pull him out, you had moved what you could to get him out of the heap, but still, you couldn't move anything.

The man started screaming at you to hurry up and be quick, yet he grew quiet over time, his body felt cold in your arms, his breaths slowing down and becoming shallow, his pulse irregular as it became faint.

"My wife-" 

He took his last breath, you broke into a sob, letting go of him and dropping to the floor.

This man had just died in front of you, you were scared, remorseful, guilt-filled your body as you felt the need to throw up. 

You leaned forward onto your hands and knees, your head digging into the ground as you kept hitting the gravel over and over again. 

You didn't want to work with Muzan anymore, why couldn't things go back to the way they were, why was he like this, why did he leave you in a place where you could get killed with ease, did he hate you that much.

If he regretted that night he could've just said, instead of leaving you in this place to die.

You vomited as dread washed over you, you started crying again, the ache from the wound in your arm and the pain in your head as you realised you were gonna die.

You remained on the ground, turning yourself around to look at the night sky, fatigue taking over as you drifted off, your eyes dry from tears pooling from them

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