Happy birthday Botchan

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I opened my eyes to the bright light of dawn. Why hadn't Sebastian come to wake me up yet? I turned over on my side only to find myself face to face with the strikingly handsome demon. I let out a startled squeal and fell off the bed. Sebastian chuckled and slipped out of bed to assist me. Instead of just helping me to my feet he scopped me up and sat me down on the bed, "you're such a clutz Botchan." he said and kneeled in front of me. This is when I realized we were both naked, "Sebastian, what happened and why are we naked?" I asked. Sebastian smiled, "do you really not remember?" I shook my head. He moved until our faces were only inches apart, "well then perhaps this will refresh your memory" an dthen his lips were on mine, ending a flood of heat through me. I could feel a deep blush on my cheeks. But he was right. I could remember every detail of the previous day.

It was just like any ordinary day. Sebastian woke me up, dressed me, and offered me breakfast. After I ate the two of us went to town to get a new walking stick because Finny had broken it again. While we were asking I remember him asking, "are you having a good day botchan?" I never did respond but I remember being really confused. Anyway, once we go tback to the manor, sebastian made tea and I started on some paperwork.After I was finished with that I believe Elizabeth showed up. She insisted that we play chess and of course to keep her happy I had no choice. We played for hours when Paula finally came for her. And then not to long after that I ate supper. As I reacall it was dunburi.....I think. Then I believe I sat in the library for a few hours before Sebastian suggested retiring. I agreed and we went off to my chambers.

When we had both stepped in the room Sebastian shut the door, as usual. What was odd, was the fact tha the locked it, the door i mean. He then approached me and undressed me,as usual, but he stood back and left me like that. He looked me over with those deep garnet eyes. then he stood back in front of me and sat to my left. He took off my eyepatch and let it fall to the ground. then he pulled me into his lap, "w-what are you doing?!" I had asked. Sebastian answered with a smirk, " i am simply giving you a happy birthday" then it struck me....it was my birthday..wasnt it?

Sebastian had me on his lap, my legs wrapped around his slender waist. I looked uyp at him, trying to contemplate his next move. What he did next completely surprised me. His lips suddenly met mine. I wanted to pull away.....didn't I? I just couldnt find the will to do it. I actually found myself melting into the kiss. He pulled away first and looked me straight in the face, "botchan" he began in that low seductive voice, "I need you to undress me" I was a bit surprised, but I nodded and unbuttoned his tailcoat, vest, and alike, revealing his soft, pale, perfect body. Once his last garment was off, his hand moved towards my bottom, making me shiver at the cold touch.


I have always believed I have seen every side of my master, but I have never seen him like this. H ehad a deep red blush on his pale cheeks. Soft cries of pleasure, and a bit of discomfort escaped his lips. I loved this side of him. Every time I hit his "spot" with my fingers his vries got louder. Eventually he couldnt take it anymore. He had cum on his own chest and was breathing raggedly.


After I climaxed I looked back up at Sebastian and put my hands on his bare chest. Then, I slipped off his lap and crouched in front of him, grabbing hold of his rather large member, "Shall I give you head then? This has been poking at me for a while now" I had asked Sebastian. Sebastian smiled down at me as an answer. I tried to fit all of it into my mouth but I couldnt even get halfway. I moved my head methodically up and down and I believe I heard Sebastian say, "I rather like that Botchan" When I didnt respond he grabbed me gently by the ear and pulled me away, "Gah! dont inturrupt me" I protested. He chuckled, "but Botchan it is time" I was confused, but again he lifted me up onto his lap. He leaned back against the pillows and his member was right on the verge of penetrating me, "are you ready?" he didnt wait for me to respond and suddenly he was inside me. I'll admit I felt quite a bit of pain.

Much like I did with my head he methodically moved his hips up and down and I cold feel him entering and exiting. It was really painful at first, but eventually I found myself letting out cries of pleasure each time he hit my spot. I felt myself climaxing but I held back. I wasnt about to cum twice before Sebastian did once. Apparently he caught me and whispered in my ear, "Botchan, just let go" as soon as he finished my cum splashed on our chests. Then he suddenly started to do it harder and I let out a gasp of surprise and a bit of pain, "Im sorry Botchan you just got so-" he cut himself off because he had just climaxed inside of me.

After a few moments I tried to sit up to get under the covers, but I fell right back down. I eventually drifted off like that, curled up on Sebastians chest. Right before i sunk into the darkness of sleep, Sebastian whispered in my ear, "Happy birthday botchan"


Sebastian finally pulled away from our kiss and  began to walk away when I wrapped my arms around then back of his neck and pulled him closer, "Sebastian, won't you please stay?" I asked. Sebastian smiled that heartbreaking, beautiful smile of his and whispered softly in my ear, "Yes Botchan" and he scooped me up into another kiss. I smiled inwardly as the events from last night were recreated in the same room where they began.

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