The Calm Before The Storm

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Lilac's PoV》

"Morning Sylvia..."

I said with my scruffed-up voice, getting out of my room as I saw my sister getting ready for her trip.

"Morning, Nii-chan"

She said somewhat loosely, passing a warming glance at me before pouring me a cup of coffee.

"Today's your trip to Sapporo, isn't it?"

"Yeah, though I'm taking the family yacht to get there since Mom insisted..."

"And you, Nii-chan...?"

I went ahead and made my way to the kitchen, taking the cup of coffee she poured for me before gently patting her with my vacant one, her soft silky white hair rubbing against my somewhat feminine hand.

"I got some work to do seeing as Naomi contacted me to do another jazz track for him..."

"If I remember correctly, it's for that blue-haired idol, right?"

"Suisei... Hoshimachi Suisei..."

I then took a sip off my coffee as my sister went on to the toaster, grabbing the freshly toasted toast, taking the sunnyside up she made earlier, and gently plopping it down the crunchy and slightly browned bread as to not break the yolk.

"Yeah, he asked you to make something special for Cyrus-kun, didn't he?"

"Oh that... I'm already done with that actually. Right now, I need to work on a song with somewhat Jazzy but rather pop-ish" I described, still somewhat confused with what he even requested.

It's weird really... I don't even work for Cover Corporation yet I always somehow get involved with their songs. I guess you can blame Naomi for that actually, with him being the director of music production and such, it makes sense that he'd contact me.

Well, I can't really blame him. He may be a genius at making pop music but he's practically an amateur at Jazz. That's why me and him are practically brothers, covering each others' back at where we're weak at.

"Just send me a video of your recital, kay? I also gotta work on stuff regarding our cousins over at Yamaha."

"Gotcha, though um..."

"Though what?"

"Can you praise me when I do good...?"

Sylvia shyly asked, fiddling around with her fingers as she softly shook in shyness.

"Name one time I didn't."

"Ah- You have a point..."

"Though keep in mind that I'm not that good with classical interpretation."

"Don't worry, it's an original piece"

Once more, I gently pat my 15-year-old sister's head. Though... It's weird really... Is because of my talents...? She's not rebellious at me compared to my parents so at least that's that.

"Good luck out there and don't push yourself too hard"

"Will do~!"

She gleed in satisfaction, somewhat excited for my acknowledgment. Damn is this girl lonely...

"Can you try making friends now, at least?"

"I have a few friends but we only ever get to meet each other at school so no point really..."

"That's not what I-"

"I'll see you soon, Nii-chan!"

She said, cutting me out as she rushed out of the door. I then let out a sigh before taking my coffee and heading back inside my room.

'My meeting with Hoshimachi-san is in a few hours... Apparently, she's not much of a morning person,' I thought to myself, getting a glimpse of the message Naomi sent about what time I should meet said idol in a call.


Naomi Yesterday at 6:30 PM
  Yo Lilac, I got a new project for you

MatchaPuff Yesterday at 6:47 PM
  Go on

Naomi Yesterday at 6:49 PM
  I got a new project in the works
  Was wondering if you could add some jazz voicings onto it

MatchaPuff Yesterday at 6:50 PM

Naomi Yesterday at 6:50 PM
  That's why I'm hiring you

MatchaPuff Yesterday at 6:51 PM
  You make a good point but why me?

Naomi Yesterday at 6:53 PM
  You've been surrounded by jazz ever since you were born. You're even credited as one of the best Jazz composers of Japan, at this point.

MatchaPuff Yesterday at 6:54 PM
  Alright, fine fine. I'll do it.

Naomi Yesterday at 6:56 PM
  Great then, meet her at 6:00 PM tonight in discord. Here's her work username: [REDACTED], the premise of her song is a pop song with a bit of jazz.

MatchaPuff Yesterday at 6:57 PM
  Aight, that should be good enough.


"9:00 AM... Still have a long ways to go before the meeting starts."

I mutter to myself as I instinctively hovered my cursor over that iconic server icon.

"Maybe their awake..."


The sound echoed as I right clicked with my mouse, the server expanding and revealing it's somewhat anarchist environment, only governed by a few rules as to not offend people, and destroy the server.

"Things seem pretty tame for now..."

'Anyways, I'ma just finish my work for today...'

To Be Continued...


(A/N: Sorry for the delay, school works and suck are pilling up since it's the 4th quarter. Anyways, I'm already working on the first chapter so keep that in mind. This chapter's much more shorter compared to the previous, this being in place for the first turnabout. Anyways, see you guys on the next chapter!)

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