Chapter 2: The loss of a king

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Summary: Since her brother's sudden abdication, Madeline's life had changed forever. More press attention, more work, and more burden from her family. But there was one person who understood her issues somehow, her grandfather the ex-king Leonardo. But what happens when another tragedy hits the soon-to-be Queen?

Warnings: Death, angst, swearing, crying, mentions of depression.

A/N: I'm crying I'm sorry everyone, I promise that there are gonna be very happy chapters soon. But for now, here's this chapter and some more angst. Also, I want to clear, the full name of grandpa Leo is Leonardo, so when I mention the name they are the same people. Whew, this one was a long one for sure.  

Things had been... different since Jacob abdicated. Henry and Irene, the Grand Duke and Duchess of Valford and parents to Madeline and Jacob were beyond disappointed to hear the news. They refused to see him and at any place, refused to acknowledge him as their son, only mentioning him in conversation occasionally.

Madeline on the other hand was just avoiding Jacob. The newly fashioned Duke of Esterwill barely saw his sister in the light of day, let alone at night. Dinners were the only time he saw her, although not in the best form. The carefree spirit he had known as his sister was now a complete shadow of herself

It seemed like the only person who was holding the family together, was the old king Leonardo, Madeline and Jacob's grandfather.

The old king was nearing his 80s but still had the spark of youth and humour in his eyes. He accepted the decision made by his grandson, understanding his worries and reasons. He also took in the hurt of his son and daughter-in-law. But since Henry and Irene were skipped in the line of succession the couple's relationship remained strained and there was no effort to make it better on the couple's side.

Her grandfather was the only one to whom Madeline opened up. The former king always adored his granddaughter and it wounded him to see her so broken. But having seen a lot in his time as king, Leonardo knew that for the monarchy to survive, duty came first. So he got to work, familiarising the delicate workings of the monarchy to his now, heir apparent. Quite to his surprise, Madeline took learning the details of monarchy, to heart.

When asked by a pleasantly bemused Leo once, she replied, "I might be hurt but that doesn't mean I'll put my duties aside."

Leo smiled, kissing the crown of her head affectionately.


"I think you've absorbed that book as enough as you can pumpkin," Leo chuckled when he saw Madeline reading a book one night, although she kept dozing off.

Madeline gasped slightly when she heard Leo chuckle, but smiled when she saw him.

"Sorry, just wanted to finish the book," Madeline mumbled sleepily.

Leo sighed and hugged his granddaughter, affectionately. He knew she was lying, he knew she didn't want to sleep. For days Madeline had been dragging Rowan around the castle library and reading EVERY. SINGLE. BOOK, that had any remote information on dynastic politics.

While Rowan might have been quite excited to be allowed access to the palace's large library, she could sense that Madeline was having a hard time. Yet she kept on building up more unnecessary work for herself.

Having no one else to turn to, Rowan had informed the old king about it.

That was how Leo ended up in the library at 3 in the morning, wanting to know, what his protege was up to. He could see what Rowan was talking about. Madeline had prominent under-eye circles and her eyes were slightly red. Her usual bright smile was replaced with a rather dim and lifeless one.

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