new years kiss

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a/n: happy holidays, last imagine of 2021<3

summary: you watch the fireworks outside on new years eve, and at midnight you and Harry have your new year's kiss. - this might be a little hard to imagine because of covid but i hope you enjoy anyway:)

There was a growing, audible murmur from within the crowd as midnight approached, every second bringing you closer to the new year. People wore headbands adorned with the sparkling words 'Happy New Year', or silly glasses shaped into the year 2022, and neon light wands flitted under the inky night sky in anticipatory enthusiasm for the fireworks to start.

You were only five minutes away, waiting for the celebratory sparks to burst right above you, waiting to call this year over and to welcome the new one with open arms, hopes and dreams. Being ever so excited, you didn't notice Harry approaching you from behind, his scuffling footsteps drifting through various groups of people before the sound halted to a stop behind your figure. He pressed a cold hand on your shoulder and hissed, "Boo!"

You whipped around, feet nearly stumbling back in shock at the playful face staring back at you.

"Harry, seriously!" You shouted, leaning back into him. You swore he was like a kid half the time, always taking pleasure in the ease at which he could scare you whenever possible.

"Sorry, love." He chuckled teasingly against your ear at your unimpressed glare.

Welcoming the warm feel of his lips grazing your cheek, your frown melted into a smile, and you limply allowed him to wrap his arm around your waist from behind. The cosiness of his body, lapped in wintry layers, prematurely soothed you to sleep, and you tried to keep your eyelids peeled open until the fireworks would begin. You were all for revelling in the newness of 2022, but tonight, your heart was just calling for the luxury of bed.

When you dropped your gaze, you noticed a to-go cup in his hand from the nearby stalls selling snacks and drinks for people as the evening soon dissolved into midnight. "This for me?"

"Yep. It's hot chocolate." He held out the cup to you, but before you could take it, he pulled his arm back. "Do you forgive me?"

A smile tugged up the corners of your lips. "I forgive you." You gave him a kiss on his cheek after taking the cup. Taking a sip was like receiving a warm hug on a cold day, sweet and comfy. You drank it swiftly before the last fleeting minute of eleven o'clock and set it down beside you.

The ten second countdown had started, almost everyone shouting from ten to one in unison as if they'd had prior rehearsals. Harry's arm remained around your middle as you counted together, the seconds passing irritatingly slowly. Right after 'one', the sky split with dazzling whirls of colour, igniting the darkness, and cheers and roars erupted all around in celebration.

In the festive luminescence, Harry turned your chin with his thumb, and pushed his lips onto yours. The soft, comforting skin of his mouth caressed your lips that were sweet with the residuary taste of chocolate, moving together in relaxed motion as you savoured the warmth of your shared kisses and the love they expressed. Feeling his lips trail off somewhere else, like down your jaw and neck, you wriggled against him at the feathery touch. You gave a light push to his shoulder, and when his head raised back up, you whispered.

"Save it for when we get home, baby."

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