i'll miss you

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summary: you and Harry say goodbye at the airport because he has to go on tour. 

You dropped your gaze to the ground, your eyes fighting the urge to spill premature tears and your mind only dedicated to hearing your footsteps tapping across the floor. Your pair of shoes echoed through the walls and resonated in your ears, adding to the disturbing noise clouding your thoughts, despite there being not very many people in the airport at all. It was quiet at this time. Feeble, soft music played through the atmosphere, coincidentally being one of the songs by the man beside you. Harry's hand clutched yours tighter. His body brushed against yours as if to remind you he hadn't left yet, that you two had another hour together. Though, an hour seemed like just a second of time compared to the future months you'd have to spend apart.

A soft breeze swept across the both of you, laden with comforting scents of baked croissants and freshly brewed coffee. "Do you want to some coffee? To help wake you up?" Harry asked, catching your lingering stare towards the café a small distance away.

You turned to him, your tired face breaking out into a smile at his thoughtful nature. "Do we have time?"

"Of course," Harry replied easily. A young barista stood behind the counter; their sleeves rolled up to their elbows while they restocked the glass cabinet with cookies. They looked up once Harry approached the counter with you at his side. You stayed silent as he ordered for the both of you, your gaze merely fixated on stack of paper to go cups beside the register, with their exchange of polite greetings murmuring in the background of your mind.

You hated that he had to leave you.

And even more, you hated how your feelings veiled your pride for him. Regardless of the years you'd known him and the countless things he'd accomplished in his career, you couldn't help but marvel at what he was achieving. At who was standing next to you. Harry was living out his dream, you thought. Harry made other people's dreams come true. He spread love and joy in musical form, from plucking of guitar strings to delicate vocals he sang so effortlessly. He loved to achieve his dreams with you. To play you unfinished songs like the lyrics were a portal into his soul, and to have you cheering for him in the audience. Even with all these thoughts at play, you still couldn't bring yourself to think that you wanted it any other way. Deep down you didn't want your shared life to be any different.

Maybe this time, Harry had to live out his dream on his own.

"You want to go find a place for us to sit, Y/n?" Harry nudged your shoulder gently. He studied your expression, your face still tense and lips indrawn before slowly softening as you drifted back into reality.

You nodded shyly, turning towards the almost empty seating area. Footsteps followed you to a spot in the corner of the café, and you pulled a forced simper towards the security guards you forgot were there.

Harry let his gaze linger on you while he waited for your drinks at the counter, blue eyes skimming over your slightly hunched shoulders to the gloominess burned into your features. He tried to dissect what exactly was behind that mask of peace you wore, but your thoughts were always a foreign language to him.


The both of you had sauntered to the furthest spot you could, with thoughts that whirled in your anxious minds and feelings that stung your tender hearts. "Have you got everything?" You asked, looking up at him.

"Yeah, thanks for helping me pack, love." Harry replied sweetly, rubbing your shoulders as if to pacify your inner hurt. He could barely look at you either. His eyes were misting over and there was no doubt the dull ache in his heart made this last moment together so much more difficult.

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