"O hablas en español completamente o no lo haces." [Either you speak in Spanish fully or you don't.]

Everyone stiffens at the sound of my father standing by the doors. Ugh, here we go! I think to myself as me and Cameron glance at each other knowingly. He always hates it when we mix the two languages together. Mom isn't good with learning new languages so she only knows the basics of Spanish therefore me and Cameron speak English most of the time.

"Sí." I reply with a terse nod and he stares at me before tilting his head towards the hallway.

Sighing me and Cameron get out of the boxing ring before walking out. I hear everyone behind us exhale in relief and murmur to each other. We follow him into his office and stand in front of his desk while he pours himself a drink. He glances up at us as he turns before sliding a picture across to me.

"Jason Andrews...I want him dead."

"When and where?" I ask as I memorize his face.

"London, UK. He's a regular at our strip club." He sits down and links his fingers. "Your flight leaves tonight. Scope the place out, lure him in and don't leave a mess."

"Understood." I nod and he starts talking to Cameron about logistics.

The strip club my father owns is crawling with his men so I don't need any extra protection but Cam is responsible for ensuring that the police co-operate since Jason Andrews is a hot shot in England's politics. We discuss a bit more and confirm all the details before I leave to go and pack.

Cameron follows me to my room as I throw my essentials into a duffel bag. He perches at the end of my bed with a stressed look as his gaze switches between me and the bag. I glance at him knowingly and shoot him a reassuring smile but it does nothing to calm him. With a dramatic huff I round the bed to stand in front of him with my hands on his broad shoulders.

"Stop stressing." I enunciate both words and he shakes his head before standing.

"I'll get us out of here soon. I'm working on it...I promise." He presses his lips to my forehead with an anxious sigh and hugs me to him. "We'll go to Europe or America and finally live a relaxed, fun life."

Our father, the don of the Quintana gang in Venezuela, has been training Cameron for months now to take over as his heir. But me and Cameron want nothing to do with this life so we're looking for a way out. He's getting members on our side that hate our dad and want out but it's a slow process because he needs to be careful with picking the right people.

"I told you to stop feeling guilty every damn time. It's not your fault." I huff but my voice comes out muffled.

"I'm your older brother..." He smiles sadly as he tucks my hair behind my ear. "It's my duty to protect you and I'm failing miserably."

"You do protect me...you've done so much for me Cam." I hug him back tightly. "I love you but I won't hesitate to punch you in the throat if you don't stop feeling worried and guilty."

"Alright, please be safe okay? Keep me updated at all times and don't do anything stupid." He grabs my bag from me once I finish packing. "I'll drop you to the airport. Ready?"


"Bring back a British hottie while you're at it please!" Els leans against the door with a cheeky smirk.

I roll my eyes before draping an arm across her shoulders before we follow Cam out. "I'll see what I can do."

"Don't you dare bring me back another blow-up sex doll." She narrows her eyes at me playfully.

"No promises!" I sing as I blow her a kiss before taking my bag from Cameron and hugging him tightly. "I'll see you guys soon."

"Good luck!" Elenora wishes as I get in and shut the door before leaning out the window.

"Bring me back some chocolate!" Cameron blurts before turning to Ellie. "Have you ever tried it? It's way better!"

"Seriously?" She deadpans as she crosses her arms.

"Oh my god you haven't lived!"

"Clearly!" She exclaims as she gestures to the building we call a prison.

"Bye guys!" I cut off their pending discussion about chocolate with a wave.

They wave goodbye before the driver sets off with me in the back. I exhale deeply as I rest my head against the window and watch the scenery. The building we live in is in the middle of nowhere and covered up with vacant properties and woods to avoid suspicion from the authorities. I know it's going to take over an hour to get to the airport so I let my eyelids shut and slip into a deep yet thankfully dreamless sleep.

I know I won't have this luxury during the next few days.

Update schedule is: once a week whenever I find time!

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- R.W. ♡

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