If Wishes Were Horses

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     That same evening, whilst Aries and Daphne were exploring the forbidden delights of tomato sauce and noodles in the kitchens, Draco stood alone in an abandoned classroom, playing his violin. He and Aries had been avoiding each other diligently all day, ever since the fight with Sirius. They both knew that Draco would approve of Sirius's decision, and that Aries would view this as a betrayal. Rather than confront the unpleasant issue, it was far simpler, if rather boring, for them just to spend the day apart.

     This was hardly the first time such awkwardness had arisen. In a family whose members possessed hot tempers and held long grudges, it was a matter of survival for one to learn to savour one's time alone. At tense family occasions such funerals, or Christmas, Aries and Draco had often enjoyed the opportunity to slip off and play duets together. Playing the violin alone without the piano accompaniment was not quite as fun, Draco had to admit, but it was still soothing, and helped one to remember that there was more to the world than petty arguments over Horcruxes.

     Draco launched into his favourite violin solo, an intricate piece that he didn't get to practise too often, since it reminded Aries of Uncle Marius. He was so caught up in the leaps and trills that he didn't notice Remus enter the room. He was startled when he finished and the werewolf broke into applause.

     "Professor Lupin!" Draco exclaimed. "I didn't see you there." Remus chuckled. "It wouldn't be the first time I managed to sneak up on a student. And it's Uncle Moony when we're alone, remember?" "Sorry," Draco said sheepishly. "It's easy to forget." "You're very good," Remus observed, gesturing towards Draco's violin. "I used to play when I was younger, but I quit practising once I started Hogwarts."

     Draco shrugged. "It's a nice way to relax." "Indeed." Remus paused. "You wouldn't happen to know where your dad's been all day, would you?" Draco shook his head. "I didn't even know he had left." "What about your other half? I'm not used to seeing you two apart." "Don't know," Draco replied. "I haven't seen either of them since they had their big fight this morning." Remus's eyes widened in surprise. He clearly hadn't heard about the fight. He cast a quick Silencing Charm before asking for more details.

     "It was over the Horcruxes, wasn't it?" Draco nodded. Remus sighed. "I can see your brother's point. Merlin knows I'd love to get my hands on Ravenclaw's diadem. Who knows what sort of things we could come up with?" Draco smirked. "Such as a cure for lycanthropy, perhaps?" Remus reached over and ruffled the boy's blond hair. "You're entirely too clever for your own good, Mr Malfoy-Black," he said fondly. "So I take it Aries didn't take it well?"

     "To put it mildly," Draco replied with a grimace. "He called Dad a stupid, reckless idiot, and then revealed that he was somehow able to feel when the Horcruxes were destroyed through his connexion with Riddle." "I'll bet Sirius loved that," Remus said drily. "He lost it," Draco said. "He said that Aries was never going near any of the Horcruxes again, then he threatened to call off all our special training."

     Remus smacked his forehead. "I'm not sure if I want to know this, but how did it end?" "Well, Aries reminded Dad about the prophecy that he was the one who could defeat Riddle," Draco went on. "Then Dad said he didn't care about the 'effing prophecy', and that Aries wasn't going to face Riddle again, even if he had to lock us up in the castle in Transylvania."

     "Ordinarily I'd take points off for language," Remus inserted, "but in this case I know it's only accuracy in reporting." Draco nodded. "Anyway, Dad said he would do anything to keep Aries safe, then Aries wished him good luck and stormed off." Remus shook his head sadly. "Honestly, that boy is so much like his father."

     "Which one?" Draco asked wryly. Remus chuckled. "Take your pick. They were both of them stubborn and pigheaded." "Well, that sounds like our Aries all right," Draco agreed. "For a ram, he's always acted a lot more like a mule." "I hope neither of them does anything rash," Remus said. Draco laughed mirthlessly. "If wishes were horses, Uncle Moony."

     "Let me rephrase that," Remus said sadly. "I hope they come back safely from whatever reckless escapades they're up to."

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