Chapter 6: Paradise Lost

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They are now four.


There's four of them but only Number One is the real. Number Two wants to kill, Number Three wants to have fun and Number Four- Number Four is her.

His hands are tied up, he's not in control of his thoughts.

1 - Can't leave, it will always stay.

2 - Just left yesterday.

3 - Just left yesterday.

4 - Just joined yesterday.

They are now two.


There should be one.


I quickly open my eyes and slowly stand up. What was that dream? It was weird and kinda scary. Is it perhaps a sign? Is it about Juuzou?

I look around, Juuzou isn't in the room. I quickly get off the bed and dress up. After that, I leave my bedroom and go downstairs to the kitchen, maybe he was there. And he indeed was there sitting on a chair and looking at the ceiling.

"Juuzou?" I say as I approach him.

"What have I done?" He says while still looking at the ceiling.

"Done what?" I ask.

"Yesterday evening, in bed. That wasn't me, it wasn't the real me... I swear I could hear Jina's voice telling me what to do and I did it."

"What are you talking about?"

"The three voices inside my head... The voices I created when Mama took me... Well, I created just two... One of the voice is just my thoughts voice. The other two voices helped me to kill people, so I can be alive. They helped when I was tortured, to deal with the pain. They made me feel less lonely, less sad... A fourth one came recently, it sounds exactly like Jina. She forced me to... Do those things to you..."

"So these voices are controlling you?"

"Yes. Except for that one voice which is my thoughts voice. And I don't know how to stop them- actually, there's no need to figure it out how to stop them, they just left yesterday... But another one came right after they left... And it's controlling me like a puppet. I'm a whole mess..." He looks at me.

"But the things you did yesterday, I mean yesterday evening, weren't bad. I really enjoyed it."

"But that moment should have been magical and I ruined it! I didn't even kiss you or compliment you or be gentle or nice. I acted weirdly and perverted."

"But that wasn't you? Right? It was just a voice. You have to learn how to control this voice." I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I guess..."

"I'll be there to help you, now that I'm your girlfriend." I smile.

"Girlfriend? We are dating? No. We shouldn't date!"

My Crimson Angel - Juuzou Suzuya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now