Chapter 1 : Possession

Începe de la început

"Ok guys, take your seats", Mr. Cryan told them.
I suddenly realised why there were eight empty seats around me.
They all came and sat all around me with David at my right hand side and Anthony on my left. I could feel all the girls staring at me in disgust. "This is horrible" I was thinking "how can I have a quiet life with them sitting right beside me". They literally sat in a cube around me, boxing me in.
They were very quiet though. None of them said a word to me at all though first to third period. I ran after Cherry and Kelly at the lockers.

"Hi", I said very sheepishly
"Hi Zara", Cherry said really kindly.
"Hey Zara, what classes do we have next?", Kelly asked
"We have French and English"
"I hate French, but I love English"
"So do I" I replied
"Me too", Cherry commented
A girl called Annie came then.
"Cherry, Kelly come on, let's go"
"But we're talking to Z-" Cherry said.
"Leave her!" Annie shouted.
"We'll see you later Zara" Kelly said kindly
"Ok then, bye" I said
"Bye", they both said in unison which was a bit funny
"Bye" I said again.

I was so happy to find kind people here. None of the other girls said anything nasty to me at all, they just kept their distance. I felt so calm, I felt so excited to be in the school.

Then I noticed. I left my french book at home. I saw David and I ran up to him.
"David", I said
"What", he said rudely.
I was very surprised at that and it worries me a bit. Wondered if he thought if I was one of his admirers.( Yes, even though it had only been three classes, the girls made personal fan clubs for each guy).
"I wanted to just ask if I could look into your French book this class." I said as loudly as possible which wasn't very loud coming from me.

"Hell no, I don't want any ugliness near my book," he said so harshly " Get away from me fatso"
"Wai-" I tried to say with tears forming in my eyes.

"What, leave already. Don't you get the point, nobody wants you here, go away" he said so nastily that the tears just came rolling down my face.
I kicked him in the face. He didn't move. They instantly all grabbed me and pulled me into an empty classroom.
"What do you think your doing" I screamed.
"We think your just right" Anthony said while stroking my neck.
"But still, I didn't expect her to roundhouse kick him", Alexander added.
"And that kick was abnormally strong" David replied
"Just right for what?" I questioned Anthony.
"I think she's perfect" Henri commented, ignoring me.
"Perfect for what!" I said again.
"To be our girl" Anthony replied.
"Your girl?!"
"Yes Zara" Alexander said kindly "We have decided to have you as our girl".
"Imagine it as us all being your boyfriends", jake playfully commented.
"Boyfriends" I said quite surprised
"Yes" David replied "As long as you agree to belong to us".
"But I'll warn you, if you decline, I'm not sure how your gonna survive in this school" Sebastian said indifferently "You did just kick one the most popular and richest guys in the school"
I realised that I kicked him in broad daylight and that I could get into serious trouble for this.

"Oh my gosh, what am I gonna do" I said with tears welling up again.
"It's ok" Robert said calmly "it's going to be fine, you just need to stay with us. We think your perfect to be with us".
He held my hand and then kissed it. He was so kind, but I wasn't persuaded.
"I'm sorry, but no." I began to say "I just can't do this".
"Then why don't we put some stakes on the line" Anthony insisted
"What?" I said in confusion.
"You don't have to do it", he started off "But if you don't, I'd feel sorry for those two girls you were talking to".
"Did you forget who we are, Zara-chan" Henri commented "We are the heirs to one of the richest families in the world. We could destroy them".
"We could also make you very happy" Robert said trying to console me.
"The smart thing to do would be to accept the offer" Sebastian said quite blunty.
"Fine", I said with little energy in my voice "But promise that you won't do anything to hurt them".
"We promise" Jake muttered in an apologetic tone.
"Let's take a commemorative photo" Kyle said.

They all grabbed apart of me while Sebastian took the photo. I felt so guilty and worried. I didn't want to give myself to them, but I couldn't have brought Cherry and Kelly into this. I decided to do what they said for now, to avoid anyone else getting into this. When we finished taking photos we were leaving but then David took me away from them.

"Zara" whispered David sweetly.
"I'm sorry for what I said before" David whispered in my ear "I wanted to see if you were the person we wanted. Please forgive me".

I was so surprised that I just stared at him. I didn't think that he was sorry for saying that. He turned to look at me so we were just staring at each other. He kissed me. I didn't know how to react. I felt his lips against mine and it gave me an almost euphoric feeling.

It was such an exhausting first day for me. From finding a threat on my desk, I became the property of eight popular, rich, handsome guys. David and I came back to class holding hands. Normally I would have been terrified of what the girls were going say about me, but right now I just didn't care. I just wanted to have a normal school life and I ended up being the play toy of these guys. I came home and I went straight to bed, hoping today had just been a dream.

My high school lifeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum