Bonus Chapter: Under The Fireworks

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A/N: This happened after "Chapter Sixteen: The Human Condition". Usually I do these kind of things after the final chapter of the book. But since we know what happened after last chapter, I changed it to after Chapter Sixteen.


Jax POV & 3rd POV

Troy invited Jax out for a walk, and he accepted.

It is now night time. Troy and Jax are walking together. The road was on their left, while the sea was on their right.

"So, inviting me out for a walk. What do you want to talk about? " I asked, as I look at him. "I invited you out for a walk, because I wanna tell you something." Troy said, as he blushes a little.

"What do you wanna tell me?" I asked, as I tilted my head. "It's that... Ugh, I can't say it." Troy said, as he struggles a bit.

"Why not?" I asked. "I'm afraid, that once I tell you, things will be awkward between us." Troy said.

"I'm pretty sure, whatever you tell me, will not make things awkward between us. So, just tell me." I said. Troy was still silent.

"Okay, I'll wait." I said. "Wait?" Troy questioned. "Yup, I won't leave until you tell me. We have all-night after all." I said. Troy chuckles a bit.

Jax began twirling, as he went forward toward the direction. He tripped on his own feet, and almost fell. Luckily, Troy caught him in time, with a hand on his back, and Jaxson's arms were wrapped around his neck.

They gaze into each other's eyes, for what felt like forever. Until they were brought back, by the sound of the traffic. They parted for a bit, blushing.

"Well, that was... Thanks for saving me." I said, as my eyes were looking somewhere. "No, problem." Troy said, as he blushes, while rubbing the back of his neck.

Troy took a deep breath, and took Jaxson's hands into his. "Troy-" Jax was about to say, but Troy beat him to it.

"Jax, I wanna tell you that. Ever since I met you, I felt something. Ever since than you have been in my mind for the longest time, knowing your past it must've been hard for you, but seeing you now, it amazes me of how much obstacles you've faced. The more and more time, I spent with you, I fell more in love with you." Troy said.

Troy and Jax begin thinking of all the time they spent together, as Troy told him about it.

"How'd you know strawberry's my favorite?" I asked. Troy just shrugged. "Lucky guess." Troy said, as he smiled. "Thanks." I said, as I laughed a bit. - Chapter Four: Stranger Ranger

I look at the selfie afterwards. "Doesn't it look great?" I asked, still looking at the selfie. "Yeah, it's great." Troy said, as he stares at me. "Come on, let's take another one." I said. We continue taking selfies. - Chapter Five: United We Stand

"Really? You don't think of me as weird?" I asked. "Weird? No, of course not. You're my friend, and I care about you." Troy said. "Well, thanks for being my friend Troy." I said. "No problem, we'll always be friends." Troy said. - Chapter Seven: Who's Crying Now?

"Wow, Jax. You never cease to amaze me." Troy said. "Thanks, Troy. Not only are you a gentleman, you're handsome as well." I said. Troy seems to stop in his track, for a bit. I didn't notice he wasn't next to me, until I look back. - Chapter Eight: Robo Knight

Troy held his hand out to me. "May I have this dance?" Troy asked. I chuckled a bit. "You sure you wanna do this?" I asked. "Why not, think of it, as just two friends slow dancing." Troy said. "Sure, why not." I said, as I shrugged my shoulders, and held his hand. - Chapter Eleven: Ultra Power

"Whatever the wish is, I'm sure it'll come true." Troy said. "Thanks, Troy." I said, as I leaned on his shoulder, and continue watching the Meteorite Shower.
My wish is to start a happy family and spend the rest of my life with Troy Burrows. - Chapter Twelve: Dream Snatcher

"So, I guess what I'm saying is will you, go out with me?" Troy asked. Jax leaned in and kissed Troy. The both of them kissed.

Suddenly fireworks appeared over the sea, as they kissed.

"Huh, funny. I didn't know there were fireworks today." I said. "Maybe, our kiss was so magical, that fireworks happened." Troy said. "Oh, yeah? Let's test that theory." I said. Troy and Jax kissed again, but this time more longer.

??? POV & 3rd POV

A guy was standing on a building, watching Troy and Jax. "Ah, don't you just love, true love kisses?" I said.

-What happened when the kiss happened-

"Symbol Power!" I shouted, as I wrote a symbol. "烟花"

Fireworks appeared.

-End of Flashback-

"Those two are meant for each other." I said. Suddenly the guy's phone rang. He grabs it, and smiled when he saw who was contacting him.

"Hi, Jayden... Yeah, don't worry, I'll be back in Japan soon. Miss you, and see you soon." I said, and the call ended.

"Well, better prepare to head back to Japan. I wonder how everyone are doing, while I'm gone for like two weeks." I said.

The guy smiled as he look at Troy and Jax one more time, and left. Those two reminded him of, him and Jayden.

A/N: This guy is apart of the Samurai Rangers. His name and Ranger Color will be revealed in the next book.

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