Chapter 1- The class delinquent

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"Elijah! Elijah!" I opened my eyes to find Ms. Nutter staring down at my sleepy face. I know it's handsome, but why stare so much? "Finally awake I see. Good morning Elijah! Could you please put those headphones away?" "What? Pardon me Ms.Nutter, I couldn't' hear ya" I could hear just fine, but thought of playing stupid. The whole class burst into a fit of laughter. Mission accomplished. But apparently Ms. Nutter didn't find my joke funny 'cause now her face was contorted in pure rage. And without warning she pulled my headphones away from my head, (also pulling at my hair on the way), and threw them to the far end side of the classroom. "First of all keep your ruddy voice down Elijah! You are violating school laws by bringing those headphones to class. ANNDD HOW DARE YOU CALL ME MS.NUTTER?! EITHER CALL ME MS.VANNUTTER OR MS.SALLY!!!" Her face was red and her nose flared as she looked at me. "Roger that Ms.Nutter...Uh sorry...umm..Ms.VanNutter. I shouldn't have slept in your class with the music on. I apologize from the bottom of my heart." I was personally trying not to laugh but I guess my face gave away. Anyways, I got myself two long hours of detention. I was also asked to kindly leave the class. Who does that nowadays? Maybe she thought she could embarrass me by doing so? What a pity! She has yet to learn. I eye my headphones as I walk out of the class. It lay on the floor waiting to be picked. If I see so much as a scratch on it, Ms.Nutter would be in trouble. Big trouble. 

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