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Here, Shivaay says to himself " Anika , I have finally found you & now I will not repeat the same mistake . I will bring you back to me & this time I am not letting you go. I am sure you would forgive your billu ji once again after I apologize for all my deeds & mistakes".

Next morning, Shivaay gets all the details regarding Anika & her business. Khanna is shocked to know that his boss finally found "his panika" & feel sad for his boss aswell, as he knows that his boss has feelings for her but his boss is going to be heart broken after knowing about Annika's engagement.

Shivaay opens the folder & starts to read the details , as he keeps reading he stops at her marital status which says "engaged". He is again shocked & remember the guy at the party yesterday night with Anika & thinks that he might be her fiancé.

He closes the folder & says ( in mind) – No matter what, as u are still not married after two years , it means that you had some feelings for me otherwise you would not have waited this long to get married. And now that just before your marriage you are in Mumbai & destiny made us meet again , I am sure fate is on our side. Don't worry Anika, I am coming to get you & then I will never let you go again.

He says to Khanna to get the location of Anika as he is going to meet her.

Khanna looks tensed for a moment & then schools his expression of indifferent & says " OK" & goes.

Here, Anika is seen in mall with many shopping bags in her hand & she is on call & says   "Viranshu, I told you to pack carefully & now look because of your carelessness. I am roaming the mall to get you your toiletries." As she is talking & walking, She collides with someone & her shopping bags fall. She gets down to pickup the things. Here, one more pair of hands starts to help her. As she gets all her things & starts to get up. She thanks the person for helping her & looks up & is surprised to see Om . Om too gets shocked to see Anika.

Anika ( coming out of zone) – Om! Hey, How have you been?

Om :- (after coming out of shock) Hey Anika, I am fine but what about You? You suddenly disappeared & never contacted back. I searched for you for a while but then thought that we have already hurted you & you might do not want to meet us &  remember about OM & all the hardships which you had to go through because of us.

Anika – No, Om its nothing like that. Its just that life had been busy, while focusing on my career & Sahil, I did not had time to lament over my past.

And about not contacting you , I am really sorry but I thought that you guys might have already forgotten me as I was once just a wedding planner for u guys.

Om – No, Anika for me you were not just a "wedding planner" but a friend with whom I was able to share my thoughts & for Rudra "his crime partner" , we both would never forget you.

Anika :- OK lets leave all this. What about now, I heard you got married & Rudra as well. So , How's married life?

Om:- Yes we both got married & I would like you to meet my wife Gauri once & guess who our Rudra got married to? Our soumya, u already know her. 

Anika:- Yeah, I was surprised when I heard about them . I mean they both used to fight like cats & dogs all the time, how in the world they fell in love. But I am happy that its soumya, she is smart girl & can handle Rudra & his childishness well.

Om:- Yes they used to irritate each other a lot that no one expected them to fall for each other. But then again, love is like that . It happens unexpectedly with unexpected person.

Anika :- Yes that's true. ( smiling while lost in thoughts)

Om:- Anika! Anika! Where are you lost?

Anika :-(coming out of zone) Han, now where! So what were you saying?

Om:- I was saying why do not we meet tomorrow & have a little get together. Soumya will be here by tonight's flight. I am sure they both would also want to meet you.

Anika :- Ok, then tomorrow afternoon shall we meet as I have to leave in evening.

Om :- Ok, I will message you the address then .

saying this they part ways.

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