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Here Shivaay keeps seeing Anika back as she leaves . His eyes held tears . Everyone could see how broken he looked but no body could help him because it's his heart that was in pain and only time heals wounds like that.

Pinky sees her son & her tears fell. She hugs him tightly & smoothes his back and says " Cry Shivaay, if you want to cry, then cry, let it out. Today let it all go. Do not keep everything in your heart and burden yourself any more.

Shivaay ( while crying) :- Mom, how could she say that I do not love her. I KNOW THAT I LOVE HER BUT SHE DOES NOT LOVE ME BACK. How could I let her go. She said to meet some one else & accept some one else but how could I when my heart pains to see her with some one else. Mom please tell her to come back to me. She respects you, loves you, she will listen to you please mom tell her not to go.

Pinky hold his face in her hands & says :- Listen Shivaay, you have to let her go. If you truly love her , then accept that her happiness lies with Viranshu. Be happy in her happiness. That's how you can say that you truly loves her. Letting go is also love, my child. When you would see her happy, you would believe me, so lets wait & see.

That evening , Anika boarded the flight with Viranshu with hope for her new married life. Shivaay stood by the window of his room looking at moon in the sky with the hope to see his Anika again even if she is happy with some one else. Pinky saw her son from outside the room & hoped that her son understands what she was trying to make him understand "that sometimes love do not mean to possess but to let go".

Everyone with a new hope was continuing their journey. Future is unpredictable, Destiny is inevitable. One could only hope for brighter, better future & joyful days ahead. Where's one destiny takes him , no one knows. EVERYONE made his/her choice and the result of those choices is what one sees & expirence as life goes on.

Here Anika left her past behind & married her love. Whereas Shivaay pretended to be happy as well while still carrying the hope of her return. Whether or not would they shall meet is still unknown but one thing that is sure is that as long as one had hope, he has reason to live. So hope, never mind how unrealistic it seems, one should never give up.

Many might say that Shivaay should have forgotten Anika as well & should have moved on but is it easy to let go one's love? Is it wrong to love even though there is no hope of being loved back. One sided love needs courage. Loving a person unconditionally, without expecting anything in return is what I believe is true love.

Thank you for your time in reading my story.

Signing off,

Your Author.

HOPEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora