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After a the toast and the drink, everyone began to spread out and do whatever they wanted

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After a the toast and the drink, everyone began to spread out and do whatever they wanted. Mostly all of them went to the pool table, while David sat at the bar and Melinda and Aaron sat at the table. They were talking about past missions that they've had. "Who was the one person you lost a fight to?" Aaron asks and she hummed as she began to think about it. "There was this guy named Giyera. Let's just say, I'm glad he was a dude." Melinda tells him as he began to think about what she could've done, "You kicked him in the.." Aaron dragged out 'the' not sure if he should say it or not. "Where the sun doesn't shine. Yes. He knocked me down a few times. Knocked a tooth out or two. My lip was bleeding. Fun times." Melinda explains sarcastically making him chuckle and rest his hand on the table, "How you manage to continue fighting these people, after some terrible injuries, amazes me. Especially this case, for example. After what happened with Hayley and then you run after that guy over a fence. It's impressive." Melinda smiled lightly at the complements as she didn't feel like any of that, "I try not to make much of it. I don't like much attention from a lot of people, so when Morgan was telling the team about what I did, it kind of made me anxious." Aaron placed his hand on her knee again and looked at her. Her eyes were on the ground expecting the questions he was going to ask. "Why?" Aaron asks and she answered honestly, "I don't want the team to expect me to be the one to save the day all the time. That's why I don't like being called the Cavalry." Aaron put it all together, "You don't want the fame and the title of a hero, when you know you can't always be a hero." Melinda nodded and looked into his eyes and he stared back watching the emotions flash across her face. She was opening up to him, she has before, but she is explaining something to him that she's done since Bahrain. "I care for the teams, I do. I do everything I can to make sure they are safe, healthy, and happy, even if they don't know I'm the one that does it. I keep the serious facade, because it shows that I'm not weak and that I mean business. Shows that I'm not afraid of what's to come when I am. Shows that I can stick up for myself when sometimes I can't. I act like this scary person on our team because I don't want to seem to have weaknesses when I do." Melinda lets out and Aaron listened to each word and tried to think on what to say. He brought the hand that was on her knee to her cheek and caressed it with his thumb. Melinda leaned closer to his hand slightly listening intently to what he is telling her, "You're an amazing woman and you don't need to do anything to be a strong independent woman. Want to know why? It's what you bring that makes you strong. The way you feel towards others makes you strong. It's you." Melinda smiled a genuine smile and kissed his cheek and he smiled back and kissed her head. The music then boomed, making both of them jump as David walked over and sat down with them, not wanting to dance. The rest of the group was on the dance floor with everybody else. Jemma and Spencer kept close and just swayed, Derek began to dance with a few women, and the women of the BAU began to dance and the three watched as the team had fun. Aaron then held a hand out to Melinda making her raise an eyebrow at him. "C'mon! Just one dance?" Aaron asks as Melinda looked out at the dance floor as she watched as the others had fun, and realized this was what she wanted when she came here. She sighed and placed her hand in his as they stood up and Aaron lead her to the dance floor, as David grabbed his phone to record. As soon as they got up to the dance floor, the music changed to slow music. The others looked on in shock that both of them came to dance. It was Jemma and Spencer, Derek and Penelope, and Emily and JJ, because why not? "Shut the front door!" Penelope yelled as Derek replied shocked, "Can't believe they both decided to come out!" Jemma nodded in disbelief, "I'm surprised he is getting her to dance! She hates dancing!" Aaron twirled Melinda and brought her back to him making her grip his arm when she got back to him. He smiled at her and wrapped one arm around her waist as she laid one hand on his shoulder and the other on his arm. "You know how to dance?" Aaron asks and she hummed, "Dance selective at the academy. Dropped it after 2 weeks." He looked at her confused, "Why?" Melinda smiled and shook her head, "I just wanted to graduate to get actual field assignments." He looked at her curiously, "How'd that go?" He twirled her again and brought her back. She smiled as she began to tell the story, "There was a case in Sausalito with Coulson. It was a coffee shop and was left in the bay for 5 hours." He gave her a look of shock and raised his eyebrows, "Wow! Well at least you got out." She nodded, "True." The music then changed to bachata music and Melinda went to walk away when Aaron dragged her back. She looked at him confused, seeing as she said one dance. He laid his hands flat out open to her and she looked at them before looking back up at them. "Come on. One more? For me?" Aaron pleads and she eventually smiled and placed her hands in his giving in to what he wanted. He gripped her hands and he started slow for her, so she knows what they're doing. She eventually got the hang of it and began to dance with him, without looking like she didn't know what to do. They were in their own little world, not noticing the team left the dance floor and sat down at their table watching them. "I can't believe he got her to dance!" Jemma coos and Derek looked at her curiously, "You said she doesn't like dancing, right?" Jemma nodded, "Yeah! We had a mission where we had to go undercover, which she also hates, and her and Coulson had to play off them not searching for some painting with markings on the back. Ever since that she despised it all together, at least what we know." Spencer replied, "They seem happy." JJ looked at everyone, "Anyone recording it?" David held up his phone, "I did. The minute he got her up and started dancing. I stopped recording just a minute ago." Aaron and Melinda soon walked back over to the table, tired. They sat down and looked at everyone, who was smiling at them. "You two have fun?" Penelope asks and Melinda nodded her head, making Penelope and the rest smile. Penelope mostly, because she wanted to give Melinda the most fun, before going back to missions. "See! This is what we wanted for you, seeing as you've never got to go out and hang out at clubs!" Penelope tells her and Emily added on, "Besides, we also wanted to celebrate you and Jemma's first BAU case!" Jemma smiled and looked at the team as she held Spencer's hand and put her other hand on top. She looked at them with a big smile on her face, "I enjoyed it! We should do cases like this sometime again!" David raised a finger and looked at Aaron, "Speaking of that, Aaron want to tell them?" Everyone looked from David to Aaron confused on what they were talking about. Melinda looked at him confused as he didn't tell her either. Aaron sighed and explained, "I talked to Phil before doing this, but I asked if it was alright if we did both not just SHIELD. He said it was alright, and I talked to Strauss and she agreed to it. There will be days where we can't, I'll inform her beforehand." JJ looked at him curious, "What made you want to do this?" Aaron finally came out with how he was feeling, "I missed coming to work to the BAU. I know you guys missed it too." Jemma then gestured to herself, Melinda, and SHIELD, "What about us?" Melinda looked at him curious about his response to Jemma's question as she didn't want him and them to get hurt. "I talked about that too. If you guys are up for it, Strauss will allow SHIELD to work with us on BAU kind of cases." Aaron tells them and David looked at the two SHIELD women, "What do you guys think?" It was silent for a bit as the two women looked at each other. Jemma smiled at them, "You obviously know my answer! I can't just go off on missions, not knowing if Spen was ok!" Derek looked at Jemma with a fake offended look on his face. He placed a hand over his heart like he was shot, "What are we? Chopped liver?" Jemma giggled and placed a hand on his arm, "Of course, I would worry about you guys! Obviously I am scared that one of you would get hurt! I could be really useful! If one of you was injured and we couldn't call an ambulance in time, I would be your best bet!" The rest then turned to Melinda, who was staring at her drink for the whole conversation, waiting for her response. Melinda looked at them holding her stoic expression, making them think she was saying no until a small smile broke out onto her face. Melinda replied, "I'm in! If you guys need some kind of training, I'm here for you!" Derek leaned forward onto the table and looked at her curiously, "Speaking of that, when are we going to start the whole training thing that you promised?" Melinda looked at him as a smirk appeared on her face. She began thinking about it and thought Wednesday would work. "We'll start on Wednesday at 5:30. I'm not going to force it upon you to come every time. If you don't want to, then you don't have to. I'll do all three with all of you, if you want." Melinda explains. Emily smiled in excitement, "Cool!" Penelope lit up and patted her hand on the table trying to grab Melinda's attention. Melinda looked at her confused by the gesture, seeing as no one else was talking and she was right there. "Do you think we'll be able to use some of the cool gadgets that you use all the time?" Penelope asks and Melinda shrugged, "We'll see. It depends on if you're ready." Jemma added on, "And if Leo and I finish updating them. Speaking of which, May, Leo and I want to talk to you in the lab when we get back." Melinda nodded, "Sure." Spencer pulled out his phone and checked the time and his eyes widened seeing how late it was. He looked up at everyone to tell them what he realized. "Wow! It's getting late!" Spencer says shocked and JJ grabbed her phone and checked as well and looked at them all as she put her phone away. She couldn't believe how late it was as well and they had to make their way home soon. "He's right. It's 12:30." JJ agrees and Aaron looked at Melinda with concern, "We should head back. You ok with flying back to the base?" Melinda nodded and grabbed her phone as she autopilots the jet to come by. Everyone got up as David left to pay. Derek looked at her, "Do you think you can have it closer to us this time?" Melinda rolled her eyes, "Stop whining." Melinda walked away leading the rest outside as the others, minus David and Aaron, laughed at Derek's hurt expression. They get outside and the jet was there and Melinda let the ramp down and let everyone on, before getting on herself. She closed the ramp and began getting prepared to fly. She looked over when Jemma sat down next to her and she sent her a smile before Melinda looked back towards the others to make sure they were safe. When they were, she took off and made their way back to the base. Jemma looked back and mostly everyone was falling asleep and Melinda looked over at her before looking back out. Jemma looked at her to explain what she was going to give her with excitement. "What Leo and I are talking to you about is really exciting! You will love what we'll give you! Trust me!" Jemma tells her and Melinda looked at her curiously, "Should I be worried?" Jemma shook her head, "No! Of course not! I promise you that you will love it!" Melinda nodded and they soon sat in silence and Jemma then looked at her again. She knew that Aaron always sat next to her when she flied. "I asked Hotch if I could sit with you on the way back. I hope that was ok." Jemma tells her and Melinda looked at her then back out as Jemma sat waiting for an answer. She looked at Jemma with a small smile as she was scared to sit there knowing that she only lets a certain few. "I don't mind if you or any of you sat with me when I'm flying, as long as you don't distract me or talk too much like Hunter." Melinda tells her making Jemma smile, "Cool!" They went back to silence and Melinda soon landed the jet in the parking spot for them, causing the jet to rumble. The ones who were sleeping shot awake as the ramp dropped down and they all got out to see the rest standing there. Yoyo noticed Melinda wearing a dress and smirked at her, "Well, hello May!" Melinda looked at her confused and Yoyo looked at her dress, making her look as well. She forgot she was wearing the dress. The rest looked at her and realized what she was wearing. "Look at you! Do you still hate dancing?" Phil asks and she shook her head, "I actually liked it this time." That caught everyone off guard making Phil look at her and grab her shoulders. He shook her by the shoulders playfully, knowing actually why she liked it this time as David sent him the video. "This isn't May! Where'd she go?" Phil jokes and Melinda shrugged his arms off and walked away with a smile. Phil looked at the group that got back confused as he knew Melinda the longest and has never heard her say she liked dancing. The group pointed to Aaron, who was hugging Jack and Phil smiled knowing already what they meant. "I'm sorry. Did May just say she liked dancing?!" Daisy asks as Bobbi nodded slightly still in disbelief, "Yeah." Aaron let go of Jack and stood up as Leopold and Jemma had left to go show Melinda what they wanted to show her. He looked at everyone and they all looked at him with smirks or smiles. "What?" Aaron asks and Mack crossed his arms, "How'd you get May to dance and enjoy it?" Aaron looked at him confused, "I don't know how to answer that." He, along with the rest, began to walk into the base. Emily stepped up and walked beside him and pointed back at David, "Just so you know, Rossi recorded you two dancing together." Aaron stopped and looked at his friend as he showed the video to everyone. They all saw Aaron twirling her and swaying together, saw the way they looked at each other and saw them dance to the bachata music. "That is so cute!" Daisy comments and Hunter looked at him with a smirk, "Do you like her?" Aaron stopped walking and turned to him with a raise of his eyebrows, "Sorry?" Yoyo looked at him curiously and gestured to the direction Melinda went, "May. Do you like her?" Aaron was silent and walked away as the rest smirked taking the silence as a yes. The ladies began talking about how good they are together. "They're so going to get together!" Emily replied as Penelope coos, "I know!" Daisy called out, "I call captain of this ship!" Bobbi looked at her confused, "What even is the name for the ship?" Daisy raised a finger going to answer and then stopped herself, "Uh... you know what? I'll think about it!"

 you know what? I'll think about it!"

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Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficWhere stories live. Discover now