Chapter 12 - Regret form the night before

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Your head was pounding like nothing you'd ever experienced when you woke up in the morning...or afternoon, you weren't quite sure yet. You sat up slowly, oh so slowly, in bed as you tried to remember how you had even got there. You seemed to be able to recall that you were meant to have collapsed with the team in the lounge.

You nearly fell over as you got out of bed due to still feeling a little drunk and you felt your stomach turn

"Please don't be sick, please don't be sick" you muttered to yourself as you took off the dress and stripped down naked on your way to the bathroom to have a hot shower.

The shower did you good but you were far from feeling better. You brushed your teeth after you dried yourself off and went in search of your comfy clothes, kicking your ones from last night to the edge of the room. You'd sort them out another time.

You left your room to head down to get some food and a big glass of water. When your eyes passed Lokis' door you remembered vaguely that he helped you to bed last night. Oh god. He found you on the floor under a table. And you told him he was a good egg?!

Absolutely mortified you stepped into the elevator and went down to face the team.

Unsurprisingly though they were all still asleep and you had to cover your mouth when you saw the pen on their faces to stop you from laughing as you remember what you and Clint had done. Oh god they were going to kill you, but you didn't care, it was too funny.

You filled some glasses with water and found out some pain killers and took it all over to the coffee table, quietly, in the lounge for them for when they woke up and went back to the kitchen and started cooking eggs, bacon, sausages, hash browns and beans, enough to feed a group of hung over Avengers.

Nat and Pepper were the first to wake from their deep drunken sleeps and both downed a glass of water each when they saw it, popping 2 paracetamol along with it as you were putting all of the food piled high on the dining table along with three pots of coffee and some mugs.

Pepper woke Tony up nicely and Nat kicked the rest of them awake when they saw food had been made for them and they all slowly made it over to the table. You were wondering if they had even noticed the pen on their faces when they both looked at you and smirked as they came over to get food. Yep, they had but they were being good sports

They all grumbled and muttered their thanks and they piled food on their plates as you were sat eating your own, smirking at them all. You were surprised you didn't feel worse than you did if you were being honest with yourself.

Loki eventually made an appearance too and he gave you an odd look when he walked in and your eyes went wide and you averted your gaze down to your plate out of embarrassment. He took a seat at the end of the table away from everyone but you noticed he was grinning at your reaction to seeing him

"So, how are you all feeling this morning?" You asked, trying to take your mind off being embarrassed. You were answered with grunts and shushes which you laughed at and decided to seize the moment while you had it. "Tony, Loki says he can't teach me properly with that cuff on. Can you take it off when we practice?"

"What? No, don't be absurd! And shh my head hurts" He mumbled to you

"Please. Please. Please" you kept on bugging him, knowing he wouldn't last long in the state he was in

"If it gets you to be quiet and leave me alone for the morning then fine!" He sighed, not fully realising what he had just agreed to and there were some shocked faces around the room but they didn't argue with him

You looked directly at Loki and grinned the biggest grin you could muster and he pulled a face that seemed to say he was impressed with my manipulation of the situation. Not sure if it should be complimented on really though, but it got you what you wanted. No, what you needed.

"Tony, you have something on your face" Bruce said and he pointed to the pen. "And you do," he pointed to Steve "and you!" He pointed to Thor

"You do too" Steve stared at Bruce and the four of them were all looking at each other in horror

"Who did this?" Tony demanded and when he noticed Clint didn't have anything on his face he pointed at him accusingly. "It was you!"

"Hey, it was Y/N's idea!" He held his hands up and we both burst out laughing in fits of giggles

"Yeh but she cooked breakfast" Nat said backing me up and giving me a wink, Clint looking scandalized

"I'll leave you lovely ladies to sort yourselves out" You said as you blew kisses to the boys and made an escape to the elevator to go to the training room leaving Pepper, Nat and Clint laughing behind you. You'd read somewhere about sweating helps rid alcohol of the system and you wanted to be at the top of you game for your first real training session with Loki later.

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