Who are you?

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Naruto Uzumaki          

"Why is this so damn tight?!" 'The boss' dumb rule for only wearing what he wants sucks!'


"Damn headaches.."  'headaches?'  "E-erm.. hello?" "S-sorry.. I won't take long" "No no, it's fine" I opened the stall door and looked at a slim but buff guy "What are those?" "Pain pills" "Pain pills? For what?" "A headache." he took out 2 pills and right as he was going to put them in his mouth, "Wait!" "Hm?" "You don't take pain pills silly! You take ibuprofen!" "Damn.. so that's why they didn't work" "Whoa" "Wha?" "From what you're wearing, I'm guessing you're a stripper?" "Haha, looks like we got a smart one here" 

fuck..  I better get out of here before I lose my job- "After you" the man with a duckbutt hairstyle  opened the bathroom door and stood to the side "Thanks hun" I walked past him making sure to give him a big smile before I left

3rd person POV 

Sasuke walked out of the bathroom with his headache gone "Huh, must've not been that bad" Sasuke glanced at his watch and saw it was already 3:45 "Sasuke! the dancers are going to preform any minute now!" Choji grabbed Sasuke by his arm and pulled him near the stage "Do we really need to see half-naked people dance on poles?" Sasuke asked with an sigh at the end "If you don't want to, go sit at the bar" Choji said while looking at the ladies "Fine" the raven haired boy walked over to the bar and took a seat on a swivel chair, "Sir, please understand that we don't go that far" the raven recognized that voice "Sir! Let go!" he looked to his left and saw a brunette dragging a small blond to the bathroom, Sasuke took a sip of whiskey just brushing the whole thing off, but after 15 minutes had gone by he still hadn't seen the blond anywhere "Damnit.." Sasuke got off his seat and went to the bathroom.

"N-ngh~.." "That's my whore..." The brunette whispered into the smaller boy's ear "What the fuck is going on?!" the raven looked at the man who was clearly drunk "Get the hell out of here little man" "Little man?" "Yeah""Little fucking man?!" the drunk man stood up and got into the ravens face "I said yeah, have a problem with that little man?" The raven was so fed up with this guy's shit, he balled his hands into a fist and threw a big strong punch at the brunettes face throwing him into the mirrors and leaving him unconscious.

the raven squatted down next to the blond who was crying his precious blue eyes out, "Are you okay?" Sasuke took off his coat and wrapped it around the boy "M-mhm.." Sasuke helped him up and immediately picked him up bridle style, "Lets get you out of this shitty place" Sasuke made sure he didn't step on the unconscious body "T-thank you.." the blond muttered, "You're welcome....?"  "Naruto" "You're welcome Naruto. I'm Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha" silence was beginning to sound to loud for them, "Uzumaki, Naruto Uzumaki" The raven smiled 

"Sasuke! Where you going- Oooh! Found a partner already?~ Nice~" Ino said while wiggling her eyebrows "Ah shut it Ino, I'm only taking him home" "Mhm, be safe Sasuke!"

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