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{(yn.roberts): william.franklyn.miller sent you a message}

chat between William and yn

hey, happy 17th birthday
i hope you're having a
great day

yes i am thank you so
much :)

your that guy that played
in CG right?

yes, i am

did you watch the
show maybe

i've watched some parts
but it was Jules who told
it to me

ow i see y'all are already
talking bout me but you
don't dm that's what
girls do these days huh

yes you're correct sir, we
gossip a lot bout boys ;)

should i be afraid?

yes yes i think you should

you're funny i can see that

thank you i try my best

okay but i have to leave
you it was nice talking to
you and thanks for the
bday wishes

we should really meet
up sometimes

bye :)

yea we should


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