Chapter 2: The Town Of Memoria

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After a few minutes riding about, the Cybersquad finally arrived in Memoria. The town was very run down and dull, covered in a beautiful night sky. A lot of the villagers were either very depressed or didn't show much emotion. Probably part of Hacker's curse he left on the town. 

"Gee. This place gives me the creeps." Matt shivered. "I agree. This place just doesn't feel right." Inez added. Just then, two robots rolled up to the group. These robots looked like your stereotypical box of bolts. Square bodies, cartoony LED eyes, the works. "Can we help you?" A pink robot said. "Yes. This is our first time here, could you give us a tour?" Jackie asked politely. "Sure, just one second." The bot said before rolling off. Inez was admiring the night sky above her, but noticed white ghost like creatures floating above. It wasn't anything unnerving to her but still wondered what their purpose was. Soon, a green robot rolled up and said he would be giving our kids the official tour. 

As they toured the cybersite, they were told the story of Memoria after the curse.

"It feels like yesterday since the curse caught a hold of Memoria... Emotions are now forbidden, which is making us rely on other things to power the city. The only way we CAN get emotions to come back is if we break the curse. But we don't know what or how that can be pulled off." The bot said. "Well that's why we're here. We'll be in charge of restoring the town with no regrets." Matt said. "Very well." The bot said before opening a compartment on its chest, similar to Digit. "Here. You'll need this on your journey." The robot then gave Matt a book wrapped in dusty brown paper with a piece of rope tied around it.. 

"Interesting...." Jackie mumbled. "Come on, Jax. We should sit down someplace and give this a read." Matt suggested before a note fell out. Jackie picked it up and unfolded it. The note was a disclaimer to not read it in public or you could get sent to the local prison. "Maybe we should just go home and read it then." Matt sighed before the two came to the realization....INEZ WAS MISSING!

Cyberchase: The Mystery Of MemoriaWhere stories live. Discover now