Some type of monster.

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The Kingston Institute for Gifted children was advertised publicly as a private school for the mentally privileged. It ironically seemed a great gag when majority of the student body had IQ's lower than fifty, but bank accounts higher than mount Everest.

Only few people here actually did have high IQ's. Most were 'lucky' enough to attend Kingston because their parents could actually afford to pay the outrageous fees, and the rest of us were here on scholarship. You actually had to be smart enough to get one of those and luckily I was as close to what you'd consider 'studious'. In short, I was good at staying in my room and ready my school work all day, I wasn't gifted, or a genius, I was just friendless.

Caspian, my best friend on the other hand had the highest IQ in the school, possibly in the entire country. Yet for as smart as he was, he was equally as stupid, otherwise, there was no way, he would've believed me when I told him about my visions.

I was a hundred percent convinced, he had to have had an equal percentage of brains and stupidity in his head. Otherwise I didn't think he'd spend half as much time as he does arguing about stupid things.

"I'm just saying, I don't think aliens would waste time 'probing' us." My best friend scoffs. "Did you hear what the US said? Their technology is about fifty thousand years ahead of us or more." He says around a mouth full of rice.

I cringe. "Cas, swallow your fucking food before you talk." He ignores me, swallowing another mouthful of  rice.

He uses his fork to point at the other boy seated at the table with us. "You've got your facts wrong mate."

Robin rolls his eyes, taking a sip of his drink. "Dude, I'm literally from the states." 

Caspain makes a face. "And what's that supposed to mean? That I don't know my shit?" he asks aggressively, and I couldn't stop the eye roll that came afterword.

Robin held his hands up in front of him. "I'm just sayin' I know a thing or two about it." He reaches for his plate and picks up a chicken nugget, tossing into his mouth. "There's got to be something they want from us."

Caspain shook his head at that. "What the fuck could they possibly want? A handbook on how to pollute your planet in ten days?" Robin burst out laughing. Caspain looked like he wanted to say more, and I got the feeling that he would've debated about this the whole week if someone didn't stop him.

I pinched his arm gently. "Eat, you dumb jock." He huffed, but grabbed his spoon and filled his mouth with rice. I shook my head exasperatedly. Robin sobered up, took a sip of his water and then nodded his head at me.

"What about you, Raven?"

"I think nothing. This topic is too dumb for me to understand." I say.

"Imagine how offended I would be if I understood that?" He said, the grinned. I rolled my eyes focusing my attention on my food.

Robin Williams was Caspain's roommate and his other best friend. He was as American as any American could get, classically handsome, green eyes, brown hair and tan skin that would pale by the end of the semester and then tan again when he went home. He was tall, which exasperated me, because everyone was taller than me. And he had the most dreadful accent known to man, that sometimes I couldn't enough of it.

He and I weren't really as close as I was with Caspian. Our interests didn't really align, and although he and I got along well enough and could hold up a conversation if left alone, I really couldn't see us ever being friends if we both didn't have a connection to Caspain.

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