Unhealthy Obession; L x M!R x D.Choco

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This has yandere themes in it, as well as stalking and kidnapping.

Male reader ofc 🖤.
Licorice x reader x dark Choco

They call it creeping, I say loving. Its the only way for me.

Licorice had never expected to fall so deeply in love with someone on the opposite side of him. You were pure, a beautiful marksman, who worked for Gingerbrave's kingdom. Your bow and arrows held magical abilities from his own observation, causing any symptom based off whatever you cursed them with. Some healed, others poisoned, some even taking mana if the other cookie was a mage.

Licorice had originally met you by disguising himself as a merchant and bringing fruits to the kingdom. You had arrived half way through the day, shirt off and sweating. Milk, your close friend, with hair fluffy as the clouds and eyes and skin just as pale, arrived in the same status. You both had given him coins for apples and went down to the shaded area of the kingdom to eat.

As soon as his orbs had landed on you, Licorice felt his heart beat and mind churn in want. He wanted you. Needed you. And so, he devised a plan behind closed doors to find a way to get you.

Filling out papers, singing wavers, while I stand outside his reach.

Your duties stretched beyond the office, Licorice learned. You also worked in the field, fighting alongside your friends. He knew your main friend group was Milk, Yam, Twizzly, and Cotton. You all did runs together, your own special being a raining down of arrows that froze your opponents. He called himself near flattered when once, on a run, you yelled to watch out for the licorice servants he had sent out.

I name your mother, and your father, and the first pet that you keep.

Licorice found himself in your house while you slept. His eyes wandered over the picture frames, which showed you and your parents. One photo had a small cake hound in your younger self's arms. It was written in sharpie on the back; Cotton's gift to Y/N, 2010, 8th birthday.

Then, lower down: Puddles, 2010-2018.

He smirked, eyes clouding with adoring lust. He wondered if that dog got to lay close to you, spend time with you, etc. He wished one day, to have you look at him just as the photo portrayed you with Puddles.

I know your favorite place to dine out when your check comes in each week.

You seemed to love going out when you were paid each week. You'd take Cotton with you, to a small diner, ran by Mint Choco. You guys would warmly laugh at each other, and talk for hours. Licorice envied the girl, wishing your attention to be only his. Don't worry, he had a... Plan for that.

I know you do Your wash on Sunday and you separate your whites.

Licorice watched intently as you pulled your clothes from the dryer, each basket separated. One was pure whites, the other all colors. He smirked, jotting it down mentally. It was so adorable that you'd do that, at least to him. Maybe he should start doing it. It'd be one more thing you both had in common.

I know your car needs a new tire, 'cause last week I laid those spikes.

You bit your lip, not aware of the man watching you from the treeline. You bent down, eyebrows knitted as you checked the tire of your carriage. It was popped, a small track of holes on the top making you groan in confusion.

Cookie Run OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon