Chapter 5

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 Jake knocked on the door and stood patiently outside Hailey and Zander's house. He was excited to hang out with Hailey but deep down inside him,he felt a tiny bundle of nervousness that kept picking his guts. He wasn't sure why or what the warm feeling was whenever he was around Hailey but he decided to not think too much about it. After a couple of seconds of waiting,Zander opened the door. Jake shivered and immediately backed away. Zander gave him a glare.
"You're lucky I care about Hailey's feelings or else I would've snapped you into pieces" Zander said with a cold,icy look in his eyes. Even after Jake got closer to the music club,Zander still didn't trust him. Yes,he did forgive him for the past bullying but he couldn't bring himself to trust Jake. He was also very overprotective of Hailey.

Jake's expression darkened as he shivered in fear. He certainly didn't want to be hurt by Zander. "Zander, relax. Jake isn't going to hurt me" Hailey said as she came up from behind Zander. Jake sighed in relief. Now that Hailey was here, Zander for sure couldn't hurt him. 

"Yeah,why would I want to hurt Hailey? She's a really good friend to me so I wouldn't dare do such a thing" Jake said with a light smile. Zander glared at him.
"Do anything to my sister and you are dead" he said with a very serious tone of voice. Hailey sighed before walking towards Jake.
"I-I won't! I promise I won't!" Jake yelled out in panic. Zander made eye contact with Jake. Complete fear in his eyes? Check. Fear heard in his voice? Check. Good,that meant Jake was serious about what he said.

"Good,you better not....and no kissing either!" Zander yelled out as he pointed at Jake and then at Hailey. Hailey and Jake immediately looked at each and blushed. There it was again. That warm feeling swirling inside of Jake. Cheeks heating up for Hailey. Oh how difficult young love was. Zander smirked.
"Ohoho now I see two tomatoes. Well you guys have fun. Just remember no hurting Hailey, Jake" Zander said as he gave Jake one last serious look and went back inside the house. Zander's tomato comment ended up making Hailey and Jake turn even more like tomatoes. Jake turned towards Hailey.

"So uh wanna get going now?" he asked with a nervous smile.
"S-sure" Hailey replied,having that same nervous smile on her face.

They started walking to the small restaurant where Jake recommend they have lunch. It was currently 12:00 pm and all sorts of people were wondering around the streets. Flowers could be seen everywhere and the Sun offered warm rays of comfort. Bees were flying everywhere too. Spring was sure beautiful.
Jake and Hailey got too lost into conversation that in no time,they arrived to the restaurant.
"Nora's Noms Noms" a big sign read at the outside of the restaurant. A bell rang the moment they stepped inside.
"Welcome! Welcome! Will it just be a party of two today?" A waitress asked as she walked towards them. She had long brown hair tied back into a ponytail and looked like she was in her late 20s.

"Yes just a party of two today" Jake responded with a polite smile. The waitress smirked.           "So I see, you guys are enjoying a lunch date! I mean you can't tell me I'm wrong" the waitress said with a huge smirk. Hailey and Jake's eyes widen with shock as their faces grew red once again.

"No it's not like that! I'm not his girlfriend! We're just close friends!" Hailey yelled out with a flustered face.
If only she could be more than friends with Jake but she knew that most likely wouldn't happen. Jake's face was full on red. He wasn't sure why though. Why was his face red when he didn't like Hailey that way? Wait.....
Did he like Hailey that way? Was that what the warm feeling inside him was? He wasn't sure but he wanted to figure it out soon.

The waitress chuckled.
"Oh well,I guess I got it wrong this time. Well my name is Mary and I'll be attending to you guys today. Come follow me to your table" Mary said with a smile as she walked ahead. Hailey and Jake didn't say a word to each other as they followed Mary with flustered faces.
When they got there,Mary laid the menus down on the table and left to give them some time to look over the options.           

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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When they don't feel the same way..|| A TMF Jailey fanficWhere stories live. Discover now