#2 ❤❤

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Sana as s
Sidharth as ss
Rita maa as rm

So Rita maa is saying to sid to marry someone so that his daughter get a mother love he agree because he Al's think but he said that he will marry only  that girl whom he thinks that ya this girl can give my daughter love u know typical shukla

She also agree happily they see some girls but  he didn't feel from anyone that

After all out herione is yet to be seen what say...? 😜

He reject every girl whom his mother show

Rm : sid get up beta how much u sleep today is function in Sana's school we have to go there

He woke up with jerk and see Sana making a pout a look at other side showing she is angry

He chuckles and hold his ears and said

Ss : sorry darling I got busy ladt night in meeting and came home late and sleep late that's why I forgot u know

He Make puppy face she look toward him and melt and say

S : Its okay papa now u get ready we have to go my school

He nods she kiss his cheak

S : Dadi let's go we should Get ready

They both left from there

He smile and goes to take bath

That is sid who can do anything for his daughter and mother they both r his only family after all

Sana get ready and meet sid and left with driver usually she goes with sid but today he with came with Dadi so she left with driver

After an hour sid and Rita maa also left for school

They both sit In front seats and both are very excited

Its a function in which at a time you got a topic and you have to speak on it on time

Function get started everyone is doing good but some between forgot now its shehnaaz turn sidharth do a loudly clap and whistle for his daughter

She smiles and took a chit and open it her smiling face turn into teary when she read the chit

That's it for now

Diljaniya ❤जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें