Chapter 60: The Return

Start from the beginning

"You. Complete. ARSE, Ronald Weasley!" You heard Hermione yelling outside, and you and Fred abruptly pulled apart, sharing a concerned look.

"We're definitely finishing that later," he said before he pressed another lingering kiss to your lips. You chuckled fondly at him as he took your hand and you hurried out of the tent towards the others.

Hermione was shoving Ron and throwing leaves at him while Harry and George stood aside, watching in a mixture of shock and amusement. George saw you and beamed, and immediately ran towards you and scooped you up into a bear hug.

"Glad you're still alive and kicking, Y/N," he said cheerfully and you hugged him back, rolling your eyes fondly, "missed you too, Georgie."

Hermione continued yelling at Ron and she pulled his backpack off his shoulder, and the rest of you watched the scene unfold in front of you. "You show up here after weeks," Hermione gave him a whack with his backpack, "and you say 'hey'!?" She stared at him incredulously and then turned around to Harry, "where's my wand, Harry? Where's my wand?" Harry backed away as she marched towards him, "I don't know!" he looked back at you and the twins helplessly, but you couldn't do much to help him.

"Harry Potter, you give me my wand!" she hissed at him and he backed up against a tree and protested, "I don't have it!"

"How come he's got your wand?" Ron asked and Hermione scowled at him, "nevermind why he's got my wand!" Then she took a step towards him looking shocked, and you followed her gaze to what Ron was holding. "What is that?" she demanded and he held up the locket, which appeared to be broken.

"Is that..?" you whispered and Fred nodded in confirmation, "it is, bloody thing."

"You destroyed it," Hermione remarked, still looking at Ron warily. She looked back at Harry briefly and then narrowed her eyes at Ron, "and how is it you just happen to have the Sword of Gryffindor?"

You looked over at the twins in shock after noting the weapon in Ron's hand. "It's a long story," George whispered to you just as Harry said the same thing to Hermione.

"Don't think this changes anything," Hermione said icily to Ron as she turned away from him as if to start walking away.

He scowled at her in typical Ron fashion, "oh of course not! I've only just destroyed a bloody Horcrux! Why would that change anything?"

She turned around to look at him again and he sighed unhappily, "look, I wanted to come back as soon as I left. I just didn't know how to find you."

He looked over to you and the twins sadly and then looked back at Hermione, "if Fred and George hadn't come with me when they had, I would've been completely lost and alone. We tried to find you but we couldn't."

Fred took your hand in his and looked devastated, and George also wore a downcast expression. If you were missing them for seven weeks, you wondered how long they'd been actively looking for you for, and how they'd even managed to get past your protective enchantments and concealment charms to find you today.

"How did you find us?" you asked them, and before either of the twins could answer, Ron did. He looked at you and pulled out a small device from his pocket, which you recognised as the Deluminator he'd gotten from Dumbledore.

"With this," he replied, holding it out for everyone to see, "it doesn't just turn off lights."

"Here we bloody go again," George muttered as his younger brother continued explaining, "I don't know how it works, but Christmas morning we were sleeping in this little pub, keeping away from some Snatchers...and I heard it."

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now