First day, First show

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It was their first day into their big fat billionaire class. Celine was more excited than Jade!

"low your excitement Celine. Don't get too excited".

then they went into their class. It was big and wide and modern. tables had i-pads in them and everything was good until, the next thing that was waiting for them was bad, very bad.

Agnes or the Angry, Jealousy, Nuisance, Everyone's hate, Silly witch and her girl's group were standing in front of them blocking the seat for them.

"hey silly! Are you the girls from, the 98% scholarship?"

"Yes -yes. This is jade and I am Celine."

"wow! someone's set for our group, huh? Hey, Celine right? Would you like to be our member of the group?"

"Yeah. sure" said Celine

"Celine wait don't get too excited!! Who knows what she will do to make everyone laugh and admire her??" Jade whispered

" Then good. Celine is on our Group as a things holder. You can carry our bags up to our cars and from the car to our school and in return I will not tell anyone that you are a middle-class family. Deal?"

"Shut up you witch. You can go say that we are middle class or poor. I don't care about it! go tell them or I will tell everyone about me. And you know what? Everyone will appreciate us and not laugh at us, idiot! and don't you dare talk to my friend like that ever again!" said Jade.

"Someone is pouring hot! that too to me? you will pay for this dumbo! your days here a numbered"

"we'll see that ms Widemouth". 

Everyone laughed in the class. Agnes went out of the class, crunching her fists. 

"Why did you say like that Jade?"

"say what?"

"to them? I could have gone with them and also one day I will be their leader. they are soo cool!"

"Shut the heck up Celine! what are you talking about? Look at them they are teasing you!!. You are their follow dog! and also how do you think that you will be one of the gals? They are teasing you! can't you see that?? Ok,jus-just leave it. let's just go and sit."

Classes started and the teacher came in and introduced herself"Hi. I am Ms. Rita. I am going to be teaching you 'history of costumes and textile elements. Any doubts??. ok so let's introduce yourself. first um... you both in the second bench"

Celine and Jade stood up.

"Hello my name is Jade patrowsky" 

"I am Celine McCarty"

" We both are friends from childhood hood and I and Celine came here in 98% scholarship. We are not so rich as people around here but we are affordable. we love to study and we worked very hard to get here."

the class applauded.

"ok. so what are your aims to be after you graduate?"

"We are looking forward to designing our signature pieces and being no 1 designer by working hard"

another applause.

"Thank you, Celine and Jade and we are glad that you are in our college. so next is you, The third bench".

a boy was wearing a hood and had black hair in front of his forehead. his eyes were blue and he had tracker pants on."Hi, my name is Adam. I come here from a small town named Pomona. I came here on full scholarship and I want to become a designer too, like those two"He pointed to Jade and Celine.

Jade's heart skipped a beat when he saw her, but she ignored it.

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