Dinner / Jesse

31 1 0

TW: None

Summary : You're a senator, and a close friend of Jesse.

Extra: S/n - Sibling name

Word Count : 1129

The war is drawing to a close. I was so relieved as my people had suffered significantly more than many other planets. Palatines execution lead to a new chancellor, Senator Bail Organa, a close friend of mine.

"Ma'am, Arc Trooper Jesse is here." a woman said softly.

"Send him in, please." I said not taking my eyes off my computer.

"Hello Senator," He said taking off his helmet.

"Jesse, just call me Y/n," I said gesturing to the chair in front of my desk. Still having my face on my computer.

"Sorry, Senator." he said smirking, I could only just roll my eyes. I finally turned off holo-screen, tucked away my keyboard under my desk.

"So, how was the mission?" I said softly.

"It was actually great." He said smiling like like a five year old with candy.

"Oh really."

"Yeah, the general thinks we will get Dooku soon." he continued still having a giddy smile on his face.

"I'm getting the feeling something else also happened on this mission." I said sending a smile back, giggling at how excited he was.

"We found Kix." He said.

"No, you're joking!" My face filled with shock, tears of happiness coming to my eyes.

Kix was my best friend. Jesse is also my best friend, Kix introduced me to him at a bar called 79s or the clone bar that he begged me to come visit. The both of us hit it off immediately, Kix wasn't paying attention to the both of us as he was too busy looking after Hardcase and Fives. We became closer after Kix's death, reminiscing funny memories.

Like his famous quote, 'Sir, as the team medic, when it comes to the health of the men, including you, I outrank everyone.' Me and Jesse chipped in and made it a poster for his medbay.

"Kix is in a medical hospital, here getting treated. We aren't gonna see him for a while though as he is having time in a bacta tank. He was frozen in stasis on a seppie outpost we found" Jesse said putting a more calm expression on his face.

"That is just brilliant!" I said wiping the tears off my face giving Jesse a hug.

"Well see you around, Y/n" Jesse said picking up his helmet.

"Oh wait, umm I was wondering if you would like to come have dinner tomorrow at my parents house, my whole family is coming round for a big family reunion. Would you like to come?"

"That would be, lovely." He said softly, handing him a piece of paper with my address on it.

"6:00, don't be late." I said smiling.

"Promise." he said leaving.

6:00 - Tomorrow Night

I'm helping add the final touches to the table, when the doorbell goes.

"Go get your man!" My sister said.

"Seriously S/n" I said rolling my eyes.

I hear my mom answer the door and greet him, introducing herself.

"I'm Jesse." he said

"Oh we know dear, Y/n talks about you a lot." My mom said, This is gonna be embarrassing . "Y/n come here, Jesse is here."

I walk into the hall, I'm just wearing a very simple, navy dress, with black tights and heels. He was wearing a shirt, tie and normal formal pants.

"Wow you look amazing."

"Thank you, you look great too." I said smiling with a hint of embarrassment from my mom.

"Who's this?" My dad said coming through with some food.

"I told you dad this is my friend, Jesse." I said.

After 15 minutes dinner was ready and everyone headed to table my whole family was here.

"So, there is my mom, my dad, my two older sisters s/n and s/n, my older brother s/n, my aunt, my uncle, and their kids." I said to Jesse, as everyone replied with a series of head nods and hi's. 

Everyone were talking about various memories that everyone had.

"Yeah, Jesse it only took you to come round for dinner for Y/n to move up to the grown ups table." My sister s/n said my brother giving me a glare at a tiny table with my uncle and aunts kids.

"Jesse, I have just realised that we have been rambling on about ourselves." my aunt said " Tell us about yourself, any family?"

"Yeah, I have a big family A LOT of brothers." He said both of us laughing.

"What is so funny?" My dad asked.

"Well you see I'm a clone actually." Everyone understanding and joining in on the joke.

"I'll be back in a sec." I said wandering to the bathroom.

At the table.. 

(Jesse POV)

Everyone is talking amongst themselves when Y/n's mother who was next to me, at the head of the table leans over to me.

"You must mean a lot to Y/n" She said. "She never brings boys over, not once, it was a bit of shock to all of us when she told us you were coming. "

"That is strange, she gave off the impression she was quite flirty."

"Its all talk, she gets it from her twin sisters. But if you can get past that you'll find a kind girl."


I come back from the bathroom to see my mother and Jesse talking. I sit down.

"A toast, to friends, family and hope!" my dad said giving a toast.

We all finished dinner and I asked my mom if we could go out and get some fresh air. We walked into the nearby park where a great blossom tree stood. It was called a glow blossom tree as in the day the blossoms are closed but at night they open and glow. I always felt safe here as this was common tree on my home planet.

"Hey Y/n, I have been meaning to tell you something." He said clearly nervous. "I really care about you not just as a friend but as something more.

I can't really explain it but." he stopped and kissed me. it felt magical and right. "I like you."

"Me too." I said. Then I hear a series of beeps as my brothers droid Buzz came wizzing through projecting a camera and a smily face.

"I think he wants us to smile." Jesse said. We both smile and the droid takes a Photo, a very small one about the size of a passport photo.

The droid hands it to me.

"How about you keep it, it will remind you of me when you go on missions."

We both head back to the house hand in hand.

I really hoped you enjoyed this. Any requests for other one shots are accepted.

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