Chapter 6

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There might be swears in this fanfic and there real names will be used!
UA staff chat usernames:
Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead- Sleep
Nemuri Kayama/Midnight- 18+
Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic- NOISE
Nezu- Rat God
Thirteen- Space
Snipe- Pew Pew
Chiyo Shuzenji/Recover Girl- Heal
Ectoplasm- Multiply(wont be used much)
Higari Maijima/Powerloader- Diger (used sometimes)
Vlad King- Blood (used sometimes)
(changed Thirteens name because you people where saying that there a girl, I knew this and put 'Genderless Void' for people who don't know, sorry if her new username is lame but shes barely used anyways)

Nemuri Kayama

Nemuri Kayama: Hey! Your name is Izuku, right?

Smol bean: oh yeah it is, how did you know?

Nemuri Kayama: I got it from Shota

Smol bean: oh that makes sense, also what are with people giving me usernames?

Nemuri Kayama: because its fun and why not

Smol bean: im naming you then!

Nemuri Kayama: ok, I don't mind!

Smol bean changed Nemuri Kayamas name to Mama bear

Mama bear: OMG! I might cry!

Smol bean: wait don't cry! I didn't mean to make you sad!

Mama bear: don't worry you didn't its just cute

Smol bean: ok :)

Mama bear: why are you so cute!?

Smol bean: I don't know, but anyways what did you text me for we kinda got of topic

Mama bear: oh yeah! since your going to be moving into Shota's and Hizashi's I thought it would be a good idea to go shopping for new stuff for you to have, and I kinda already asked them if I could take you and they said yeah

Smol bean: I mean sure?

Mama bear: ok great! were going tomorrow at 5:30 do give me you adress and I'll pick you up around that time!

Smol bean: ok, my adress is - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mama bear: ok, I'll see you tomorrow!

Smol bean: ok, bye!


-the next day-

-Izukus POV-

Yesterday while texting Nemuri was kinda weird but oh well, It's right now  5:15 and im already ready so im just waiting

Im currently wearing black tracksuit bottoms with a dark forest green hoodie that has a black hood (I made this up on the spot)

Im currently Sat on a wall in my cat (kitten) form waiting for Nemuri, its not a tall wall but I don't mind because when people come past they give me a quick pet

While thinking I see car pull up (you can imagine any car, because I don't have a clue)

I look close enough and see that its Nemuri so I jump of the wall and land in my feet before transforming back into a human and walking up to the car

She notices me walking up to her car and waves and I approach

I get into the car and she say Hi very happily with a smile on her face which I obviously returned back happily.

she start to drive after I have my seat belt on and we talk about small stuff like favourite foods and colours anf stuff Intill we pull up to the mall

we get out and we enter the mall to see many people and shops

"were do you wanna look first" say Nemuri smiling

"can we go there" I say pointing at an art shop since I enjoy drawing in my spare time

"of course were shopping for you remember!" she says as we start to walk over to the shop, once we go into the shop I start to look around and pick out the things I want to purchase from the store.

after im done picking out what I want from the store we go to the till to purchase our items which I wanted to pay for but Nemuri wasn't happy with me paying and payed for me instead even though I said she didn't have too.

we then continue to find another store to shop at which was a clothing store which she once again payed for

after an hour an a half of shopping we decided to stop at the food court and eat, which we got ramen and I also got a cup of coffee while she got boba, we also decided to sit down and talk

"so theres this thing that I've wanted to ask you for a while now" she says wanting to ask me something

"yeah, what is it?"

"why did you tell the group chat to call you deku..?"

we were both silent for a minute intill I decided to speak up

"well you guys asked what I wanted to be called but I knew that I had to be careful or Nezu would figure out who I was and so I said the first thing that came to mind which was 'deku'" I said answer her question

"I guess that makes sense, but why was the first thing to come to mind be the word deku?" she asked

"Im not sure to be honest I just panicked and ended up thinking 'I'll just say deku'" I said half lieing

"oh ok, were done eating so should we go back to shopping?"

sure is what I said and then we went back to shopping, she even got me school supplies since im going to be starting high school soon, which she really wants me to try out for UA and I know shes not the only one, she even got me cat supplies for Kiyo even though she said I shouldn't need any since Shota and Hizashi already have 2 cats apparently.

after another 30 minutes we decided we had done shopping and she woukd drop me home she aloud me to take some shopping like clothes and art supplies and while the rest she was going to take over to Shota's which I'll be moving into in a couple of days which im already quite packed for

before she left she got out of the car and hugged me telling me that I can text her if I need help with anything or had a problem with I responded with an ok and an thank you

after she left I went into my apartment and put away the little shopping I was able to take for now and decided to just chill and watch a movie


Sorry that this took so long and that its not even long I've been busy recently and haven't been able to write

should Shinsou be Hizashi and Shotas already adopted kid or no?

1088 words

accidently added! (MHA Chatfic) Where stories live. Discover now