Chapter 4

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There might be swears in this fanfic and there real names will be used!
UA staff chat usernames:
Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead- Sleep
Nemuri Kayama/Midnight- 18+
Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic- NOISE
Nezu- Rat God
Thirteen- Genderless Void
Snipe- Pew Pew
Chiyo Shuzenji/Recover Girl- Heal
Ectoplasm- Multiply(wont be used much)
Higari Maijima/Powerloader- Diger (used sometimes)
Vlad King- Blood (used sometimes)

Its been half a week now and I have 3 days to decide if I trust them and to be honest I think I do trust them its just im worried they'll hate me for having a weak quirk

there heros with amazing quirks why would they still talk to someone with such a weak quirk

but other then that everything has been normal!

Shouta still comes to the cafe but by the looks of it I don't think he thinks im a villan anymore!

anyways im cleaning up the cafe since im about to go home and want to help out a bit more, Akemi said I didn't need to but I want to help out anyways

as im leaving the cafe I get a notification of my phone and see its from the groupchat

by the looks of it Chiyo is shouting at Nezu because she found a book on how to take over the world?

I decide not to join the conversation but instead just read about whats happening while im walking I hear a familiar voice

"HIZASHI LOOK OU-" said a feminine voice but then all of a sudden I bump into someone

"owww" I said

"hey are you ok I didn't see you there!?" said someone really loudly

"yeah im fine" I look up after I say that and see that Hizashi was the one who bumped into me and he was offering a hand to help me up behind him was Shouta and Nemuri!

I take his hand and then realize that I dropped my phone... WAIT I WAS ON THE GROUP CHAT!

I quickly look around hoping to find it before one of them do

"hey whats wrong?" asked Nemuri

"I dropped my phone" I say trying to find it

"is this it?" asked Shouta who had my phone in his hand

"u-um y-yeah it i-is" I asked panicked hoping he didn't see that I was on the groupchat

"is it really?" he asked curiously

"why wouldn't it be" asked Nemuri

"y-yeah that is my p-phone so can I please h-have it back?" I asked praying he didn't see the screen but I had a feeling he did

"oh really then Deku?" he asked showing the screen

"wait what!?" Hizashi and Nemuri say at the same time

I quickly try to grab my phone but he holds it higher then me and out of my reach

"just give it back!" I say sadly

"why do you want it so bad" said Shouta

"because its mine and I want it back!" I say angrily

thats when I decide ok thats enough

I use my quirk and jump higher grabbing my phone and while there all shocked I start to run away

but then they recover and are chasing after me because of that Shouta used his capture weapon to try get me

and luckily for them it worked so they stoped running as soon as I got stuck I was at least 10 steps away from them

I try to think of a way to get out of this situation and then I get an idea

accidently added! (MHA Chatfic) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant