chapter 1: First time i met Him

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It was a beautiful winter morning. The sun was shining, the little birds were singing. You were enjoying the moment you woke up. But then you hear screaming from downstairs. It is your mother having a fight with your little sister.

'Poor her', you think. It is always loud in your house, and you don't like it here. That's why you always go to the woods, to your friends, to just ... Not see your mother. 

As you hear your mother going upstairs, you climb as fast as you can outside, from the window. She cannot know that you have sneaken out. Gladly your mother didn't go to your room, phew. 

You run to the forest towards the house of Diana Barry, your best friend.                                              

You arrive at her house. You knock on the door and you wait patiently till someone opens the door. After a while you see the doorknob going down, someone's opening the door, finally!

'Hello miss Compton, how may I help you?' It was the maid, so you reply: 'Please, Y/n! And I am here for Diana, could she go outside with me?' 

You see Diana walking down the stairs while her maid looks at her.

'Y/n! So good to see you!' 

The maid walks to Miss Barry to ask if Diana can go, while you and Diana have a talk. 

'I see Anne is not here, maybe she is on her way.' Diana said.

 You nod. The maid comes again and tells Diana she can go. Diana and you react happy and Diana puts on her cloak.       

We walk outside hand in hand towards Green Gables. On our way we see Anne. 'Anne! Anne! We're here!' Diana said, and Anne runs towards us, with a smile on her face.

'I'm so happy to see you two!' We smile. 'Where shall we go?' you asked. 'Since our shack is ... gone, we have no inspirational place to go.' The girls nod. 'Maybe we should go to .. Anne's place? Or y/n's place?' Diana suggests. 

You answer immediatly. 'Oh well eh let's go to Anne's place! My mother is .. not home and i am not allowed to be home alone!' You were nervous, you don't want your friends worry about your problems at home.

'Well, you're not home alone when we are there!' Anne said.

You sigh. 'Let's just go to your place, okay?' Anne agrees, same as Diana. 

The three girls walk towards Green Gables while they are talking to each other, about the most random - But also topics every girl talk about- things: Boys, school, College, mother nature - of course-, the drama. When they arrive they walk fast to Anne's house. 

You are looking around Green gables. You see a handsome, tall, dark haired boy working in the barn. You stare at him, and he notices you. He smiles at you and waves. You smile back, and wave too. The handsome boy stares now at you too now. Diana notices and grabs your hand.

'Oh sorry I just didn't knew there was a boy working on the farm.' Diana chuckles. 'Yeah right, now let's go inside!'

It's a bit later now and the girls had decided to bake a pie, so they did. They had alot of fun! Lots of laughing and messing around. When Marilla Cuthbert comes home from Rachel, she smells the delicous pie the girls have made.

'That smells delicious girls! But Anne, You were not supposed to use the oven!'

The girls looked at each other, and then they all looked down.

'I'm sorry Marilla, we just had to bake a pie! Maybe we could give it to Miss Stacy? As a thank you for being a good teacher to us!' Anne reccomended.

The girls looked at Anne, like it was an amazing idea, wich it was.

'That sounds like a great idea Anne, we should definetly do that!' Diana said.

You agree with a smile. You love Miss Stacy, especially because she is a female teacher, a special, caring one. She inspires you so much. You think she is way better thn Mr. Phillips, that creepy guy. (everybody likes miss stacy more than mr. phillips, dont prove me wrong)

'I bet Miss Stacy would love it!' you eventually said. Everyone agreed.

'Well what are you girls waiting for? Go on, go to Miss stacy's house!' Marilla began.

Anne smiled and nodded. 'Come on girls, let's go!'

You had the basket were the pie was in, around your arm (I don't know how to explain it lol). The girls ran laughing to Miss stacy's house.

You looked at the barn, you saw that boy again. 

'wait, girls!' you began. You take your gloves out really fast and tell the girls u forgot your gloves. 'I will be there, wait for me at stacy's.' You give the basket to Diana and ''run'' to Anne's house again, while Diana and Anne are already almost gone. You go to the barn and climb up the ladder.

'Oh hello there, you look even more beautiful when your'e closer.' The boy said with a precious smile.

You blushed and smile. 'Oh shut up.' you laughed. 'I got something for you.' You grabbed a piece of pie wrapped in a towel, unfolded it and gave it to him. 'I told the girls it was for my mother, but I made it for you.'

The boy had a big smile on his face. 'Merci! I will not forget you!' You smile as you leave the barn, you run fast to Miss Stacy's house.

'There you are! What was taking you so long!' Anne said with a sigh.

'Sorry, I couldn't find my gloves, but i'm here, let's go!'


The girls and Miss stacy had a talk. You had a wonderful day with the girls, and you met him, the handsome looking boy. Before you go to sleep, you think about him. You wonder what's his name is, how old he is, where he lives etc. You eventually fall asleep with a smile on your face...


Thank you for reading this chapter! I have enjoyed writing this, and I hope you enjoyed reading it! I will publish a chapter 2 as fast as possible, but be patient! <:) bye bye <3

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