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Kalynn walks inside yelling her lungs out.

"Hey! Idiots! Y/N and I need some strong people to help with the kegs! We're not moving them by ourselves!"

The group, who mustve been sitting on the couch start laughing. Hoover, Weston, Schlatt and Connor follow you out and make their way to the car.

Kalynn grabs the first keg and Hoover helps her navigate it into the house.

Next Weston grabs a keg and with the assistance of Connor, manages to start moving it into the house.

That left yourself and Schlatt.

"Sleep well last night, Y/N?" He asks, moving towards the keg.

"Yeah, I did actually." You laugh, helping him left it out of the car.

You take the front end of the keg and walk backwards towards the door whilst Schlatt grabs the back and walks facing forwards.

"You ready for tonight?" He asks again, watching you as you try to navigate the front through the doorway.

"I'm kind of nervous to be honest. I barely know any of the streamers coming, and I heard there is alot of them..." you say, approaching the living room.

"Yeah, I was too when I first met them all. But they're all incredibly kind, they're like family to me now." He smiles, obviously thinking about these friends.

"Trust me, when I first moved here I thought I would be an outcast among them. But there are no outcasts, they include everyone, all the time. You'll be totally fine, Y/N"

The two of you make it to the back yard and set the keg down. You let out a breathe you forgot you were holding.

The others had made their way back out to the front to grab the rest of the drinks.

"Hey, I just want to apologise again for-" you start, trying to apologise for falling asleep on him.

"It's ok, Y/N. If anything I'm sorry for sitting in the direction you dozed in!"

You both laugh at his comment.

You look into his eyes as a moment of comfortable silence falls upon the two of you. His eyes are so soft and gentle, you wish you could just wrap them up to stare into forever.

Just as you felt you were having a moment, a proper moment, the rest rush through the door again. They were arguing over something stupid like what the best drink was or something like that.

You turn away from Schlatt and laugh along with the group. They put down the cases and individual drinks and took a second to rest.

"So," Kalynn starts, "We've still go to put all the drinks in the fridge, blow up some balloons and prepare some snacks into bowls. Who wants to do what?" She asks, looking around.

"I can prepare the snacks and put the drinks away" you quickly respond, not wanting to kill your lungs blowing up balloons.

"I can help Y/N" Connor pipes up, followed by Schlatt.

"Yeah, I'll help them aswell" Schlatt said. 

"Alrighty," Kalynn starts, "that leaves myself, Weston and Hoover to blow up balloons."

The three of them walk away into a room, with big bags of balloons and balloon pumps.

Leaving the three of you to figure out what you've to actually do.

"So I guess we should start packing the drinks into the fridge" Connor suggests, walking towards the cases.

You walk to Connor and start unboxing the individual drinks, transferring them into the fridge.

Pictures Of You ♡ jschlattWhere stories live. Discover now