The Fire Triangle: Book II - Chapter 17

Start from the beginning

It had started the year before, when she'd gotten a call two weeks before the student auditions were set to take place. "I want one animal on the judge's panel that's never in their life had anything to do with the entertainment business," Dr. Vignius had explained, "Just a regular mammal but someone who knows what they like."

Claudia had, at first, been dubious of the idea–but how could she refuse his request? On the actual day of the auditions however, her reluctance had vanished with the first performance and she'd loved every second of what followed. When Carl had asked her to sit on the judge's panel again this year, she'd said yes before he could finish even half a sentence.

"I see," the arkar was speaking into the phone again, his mouth becoming a thin, straight line. "Well please...keep me posted. The first guests are already starting to arrive. Yes, I know; I understand. Good-bye."

With a deep sigh, he rang off the call, tossing the cell-phone onto the desktop as if it were a losing poker hand.

"How bad?" Claudia asked him, already suspecting that the news was anything but positive.

Dr. Vignius let out a long, snuffling breath. "They say at least an hour, probably longer."

"Oooo," Claudia winced, and then decided she might as well get it out of the way. "I-I-I suppose someone has to say it, Carl. The City isn't going to like it when they find out you called in a private plumbing company to fix that problem—on a Saturday, no less."

The arkar-sheep only grunted, folding his hooves across his midsection.

"The City's got nothing to do with it, Claudia. I'm paying for those plumbers out of my own pocket." At this she felt her eyebrows jump, and it was an expression not lost on her host. "Penance for my sins, Councilmember; I should have had that restroom taken care of as soon as classes let out for the summer. But no, I was in a hurry to see the grandkids—and so, here we are."

More than ever, Claudia Nizhang was glad the Performing Arts Academy had this mammal as its President.

However that did not resolve the more immediate issue. Fortunately, she thought she had an idea.

"What say I go find Gazelle? Maybe she can keep the crowd entertained until the plumbers are done."

Carl Vignius grinned in spite of himself. "Are you sure you were never in show business, Ms. Nizhang? That's an excellent idea; go ye forth then, and seek out our champion."

Seek...and ye shall find. But that doesn't necessarily mean ye shall have immediate access. Claudia was able to locate Gazelle almost immediately. "She's in Dressing Room 'C' backstage," an okapi, one of the janitors, told her.

When she got there however, she found the pop-star's fursonal assistant, with her feet planted firmly in front of the door. Her name was Mirasol Jácara and she was an Olingo, a broad-faced cousin of the raccoon and a favorite of the employer to whom she was fiercely loyal. As always, she was decked out in a brightly colored dress and round-rimmed spectacles, a size too big for her face. Upon noting the red panda's approach, she swiftly held up a paw.

"I am sorry, Señora Nizhang," she said, as bubbly as if she were delivering the best news of the day, "but Señorita Gazelle is busy at the moment, speaking with her manager on the phone. A private matter and very important; I'm sure you will understand."

"I do," Claudia nodded. While never one to be overawed by celebrity, she understood that even public figures were entitled to a private moment every now and then. "Should I wait or come back later?"

Mirasol cocked her head towards the door before answering.

"It shouldn't be much longer; you can wait if you like."

The Fire Triangle -- Part II, OxidizerWhere stories live. Discover now