Little Women

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"Christmas won't be Christmas without presents!" Grumbled Jay, lying on the rug.

Dixie kicked her sprawled-out sister from where she was sitting, knitting a hat.


"I concur with Jay." added little Damiana.

"It's not very fun being poor." Dixie sighed, rubbing a loose thread of skirt between her fingers.

"We've got Mama still, and father, and each other." said content Tim, looking up from her embroidery."

"We haven't got father." Jay said, her expression darkening.

Their father had gone off to the war, along with hundreds of others, to fight. They all knew that he was capable of staying alive, but it didn't make it any less scary.

"You know," Dixie started, changing the subject. "Mama was thinking about not having presents this Christmas, because this year is tight for everybody. We shouldn't spend money willy nilly because there are men suffering in the army." She paused. "We can't do much to help the battle but any sacrifice we can make, we should do it happily." She closed her eyes for a second, thinking of all the pretty things she wanted but she understood the circumstances.

Jay sighed exasperatedly. "If only I was allowed to fight." She crossed her arms and huffed loudly, before remembering something.

"You know, we still each got a dollar from Aunt Harriet, I doubt the army would mind if we bought a little somethin' for ourselves."

"True." Dixie mused, thoughtfully. "Mama didn't say what we should do with our own money. We can have a little fun."

"Since we're not expecting any gifts this year anyway." Jay added.

"I was planning to buy some new camera film." Said Tim, sighing dreamily.

"I shall be purchasing a new set of drawing crayons." Decided Dami.

"Burnside's just got in a shipment of books!" Said Jay excitedly. "I'll probably get the Three Musketeer!"

"You hid in the store and read the whole thing two days ago!" Dixie said, confusedly.

"Your point?" Jay raised an eyebrow. Dixie just sighed and went back to her knitting.

"Besides," Jay moved reached over, turning a log in the fireplace with her bare hand. Dixie leaned over a gently smacked her fingers away.

"You'd indulge yourself too if you had to work all day for grumpy Aunt Harriet. It's always something I did wrong with the old hag."

"I happen to like Aunt Harriet." Dixie sniffed. "You're you don't work at the daycare. I think children are sweet but they can be little terrors sometimes."

"Well, at least you two are out there in the world, and not at home doing dishes repeatedly," Beth said sorrowfully. "I really don't mind the work but washing makes my hands so stiff that I can't hold my camera steady."

"I by far suffer the most." Declared Damiana haughtily, "If you had to attend dreadful school each day with those niminy-piminy chits-"

"Dami!" Dixie gasped. "You mustn't use such vulgar language."

"And why shouldn't she?" Jay stood up. "Christopher Columbus Dixie! When did you get so uptight." Jay put her hands in her apron pockets. She started whistling Away in a Manger off-key, knowing it bothers her sister.

"Oh Jay, that's so boyish."

Jay gave her a strange look, pausing her interesting tune. "Duh. That's why I do it."

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