The Roommate

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This map was one of the most confusing things I've ever seen.

Seriously, where is anything?

I looked down on the paper, reminiscent of a plate of color-coded spaghetti.

The campus was large, taking up almost a quarter of the surrounding town - too damn big a place. Seriously, I'm half expecting the Minotaur to pop up seeing how maze-like this place is. Wish I had that string Theseus did right about now, though.

Which room is mine?

Room . . . 184? That's right - wait, no, 187? Where -

I took out my phone, swiping up the screen and tapping the numbers on it - 0,4,1,4.

Opening up StickNote, I scanned all the notes I had made in my home-leaving frenzy.

August 18 - 9:00 a.m

Pack all clothes

August 19 - 7:49 a.m

Pack all makeup

Schedules release on - check as soon as possible

August 20 - 2:00 a.m

Whos roommeat find out

Roommeat. Nice one - oh well here it is-

August 21 - 12:29 a.m

Dorms open in three days

Room 176

How the hell did I get 184 and 187 from 176? Well, it doesn't matter anyhow.

Looking around, maybe if I just -oh. The doors have numbers. Of course the doors have numbers.

142 is plastered on the door in front of me, so since I'm on the 4th floor that does make sense.

I look back at the notes.

August 22 - 3:24 p.m

10 floors

Hm. Helpful. Wonder why i didn't see that before. I am my own plot device.

Mmmkay, so if I just keep walking - there she is. My good old gal pal, elevator. Ill name her Susan. Well have an enemies to lovers arc. And a cat.

I press the button and stand to the side, seeing as how im not in the mood for getting trampled by a bunch of my peers.







A crowd of people of all different shapes and colors, sizes, and sound came out of the elevator.

How they all even fit in there is something I'm not sure I want to think about - the idea alone makes me feel claustrophobic.

Luckily for me, nobody else entered the elevator for the first stop.

The elevator stopped at the 7th floor on my way up, granting entrance to a girl around 5"3, with hair put up into two messy buns. I'd like to say I didn't stare awkwardly at her then, observing everything about her for the while we were alone in the elevator. Ma always tells me - "No staring, Calita. You make all around you uncomfortable! If only you would stop observing so much, you foolish little girl, people would like you more." Okay ouch, Ma.

She was small in a large way. She had near perfect posture, only slouching slightly. She had really pretty brown eyes that the light flickered off of. Her outfit was so . . . purple. A wine-colored tank top, burgundy jeans, amethyst hanging earrings, a lavender colored notebook, mulberry jacket, plum sneakers - goddamn this person is a purple lover.

"Um . . . do you have a problem?"

Oh dear god oh no I made her uncomfortable, dammit Ma's always rights uhhh say something Calita -

"No I just think youre very purple."


The girl looked at me. And I looked at her. And she looked at me. And I looked at her.

Then she started to crumble into what must be the hardest laugh i've ever heard - she clearly laughed a lot but I think I just made her laugh so hard she had to hold in her organs because she was near on the floor, grasping at her stomach laughing like Prince Michael from The Conquering of the Seven Seas - the laugh of that villain everyone ends up rooting for in the end of a horrible movie.


It was contagious - I started to wheeze too.

By the end of our elevator escapades, we were both on the floor like two madwomen.

My stomach hurt like a bitch, but I couldn't help laughing more.




We both stopped laughing immediately.

A man stood before us on the floor of my stop, and coughed as we three sat in awkward silence.

She giggled, and stood up. Held out her hand to me. I took it. Her hand was callous and warm.

"Names Nahara - what's yours?"


And that was how I met my roommate - and the best friend i've ever had. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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