Chapter 3 wanna be the newest einherjer

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Your pov

You point at Theresa and ask Himiko "who's child is this"Himiko struggles to stifle a laugh while Theresa seems to be getting angry "I am not a child I'm the principle of St Freya Academy I'll have you know" you look at Himiko who is still struggling to hold her laughter"seriously who's kid is this"you ask again "I AM NOT A KID DAMMIT!!!"Theresa ends up shouting garnering the attention of some of the medical staff while Himiko just bursts out laughing.

"Miss Theresa it would be appreciated if you didn't scream" said an unknown women from the door "another one" you unconsciously say "what was that" asked Himiko "nothing" you said with the straightest face you could think effectively killing her laughter so th new arrival could speak."ahem my name is fu hua it is nice to meet you and for your information miss Theresa is over the age of 30""I'm sorry but that's pretty hard to believe from any standpoint, that is clearly a child" you say pointing at a pouting Theresa Himiko steps in "anyway we are off topic kid Theresa despite being a short stack is old enough to be your mother, now that that's sorted out we have some questions for you"

"Oh yes your situation is ... special to say the least being labelled as stollen special Argo and being found in an unknown underground base is very weird"Theresa questioned "as well as being a male with a stigmata which wouldn't make sense unless it was natural" chipped in fu hua. "So what's your story kid" asked Himiko "well i was trained to be an assassin for shicksal all my life had myself experimented on because of my natural stigmata was later on kidnapped because of it finally found out how it works faught my way out of an underground compound past out and now I'm here with you guys and three voices in my head... you know the usual".

"The fuck"Himeko said out loud "miss himeko please watch your language" reprimanded fu hua "no no she's right what the fuck kid"asked a confused and surprised Theresa "do you really think that was wise to just tell them everything" asked Arsene "no but I really do not give a shit anymore"you said in your mind(A/n when you talk to the persons/your stigmata it is always in your head unless stated otherwise, also they know what your thinking at all time)

"Wow I never thought aunt Teri would swear" was a voice heard from the other side of the door.Theresa grows a visible tick in her forehead before she angrily opens the door while putting the cross on her back into the floor "may the lord help your soul Kiana" say himeko and fu hua "wait aunt Teri think about this I only came to see Mei who was injured during that guys rescue" pleaded the terrified girl ,looking to your side you see a girl with black hair reaching down to her waist sitting up in the bed next to you ,when you look at her you feel sort of entranced by her not exactly by her Beauty but an energy inside her that feels as if it's a violent storm thunder it's weird but you feel entranced by it. The girl they call Kiana who is currently being tied up with chains produced by the loli principle catches you staring at Mei. "Hey you stop starring at my Mei it's your fault she's in here anyway" Mei seems to have bein snapped out of something and notices everybody including the tied up Kiana "Oh hello everyone"

Time skip brought to you by y/n giving Theresa and Bronya head pats.

"So now what" after bringing everybody up to pace and Theresa explaining the school to you. Everyone is left surprised by the retelling of your life "well now you join St Freya Valkyrie Academy" "I'm sorry what" you are left baffled by Theresa's proposal "what you what to go back to Otto" "oh and don't worry about him I'll deal with the explanation and your admission" it was a good deal and you saw no reason to not except free necessities and schooling you didn't have much of a plan of what you would do while on the run so you decided it be best to accept "yeah sure I'm good with that" Theresa gave a bright smile and opened her mouth to talk but was interrupted by kiana screaming "no way the last guy that came to St Freya was such a perv there's no way im letting him anywhere near my Mei!" "The Bronya must agree with Kiana idiotka males don't have the best reputation at the school" the girls voiced their opinion "Bronya's right" chimed in Fu Hua. "Well there goes my free shit" you thought to yourself.

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