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Melinda woke up to smell coffee and frowned confused and turned over to look at the clock

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Melinda woke up to smell coffee and frowned confused and turned over to look at the clock. It was 7 o'clock and she sat up and saw Aaron in the kitchen. He heard her stir and looked up before he lifted the coffee pot. "Hey, you want some coffee?" Aaron asks and she shook her head as she responded, "I don't like coffee." Melinda brought her legs to her chest as he walks over with a cup of coffee. He sat down next to her with his and began examining the bruise on her cheek. "Is it bad?" Melinda asks and he shook his head, "No. Not really. Just checking." She nodded as he took a sip of his coffee and placed it on her nightstand and looked at her. Melinda looked at the clock and then back to him all confused, "You know, I haven't slept longer than 5 in the morning in a long time." Aaron looked at her and raised his eyebrows at what she told him. From what she told him yesterday, it seemed she had a strict schedule. Waking up at 5 is not usually something he'd expect from anyone. "Things are changing." Aaron tells her and Melinda smiled at him then he grabbed her hand and held it. She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder and sighed in comfort. "Like this. When we first met, we wouldn't talk to each other. Never could smile at each other. Now, we smile, talk, hold hands, lean on each other for everything. You help me with Jack, which I'm thankful for." Aaron tells her as Melinda rest her chin on his shoulder and smile up at him. He looked at her, as he wrapped his other arm around her waist. "I would do it all for the rest of my life. You can promise me on that." Melinda tells him making Aaron smile and she returned it as they stopped and looked each other in the eyes. He then looked at her lips before leaning in making her start leaning in too. They were a few centimeters from kissing when a knock was heard on their door. Melinda pulled back as he got up to answer the door as she got up to get ready to leave. Aaron shook his head internally at whoever was at the door. He opened it to reveal David and he just walked right in like he owned the place. "Hey. Prentiss suggests that when we get back to Quantico we go to a bar to celebrate May and Simmon's first official BAU mission." David informs them. Melinda told him with a shrug, "I'm in." Both men look at her and David smiled as he knew she might. Aaron looked at her with concern on his face knowing she isn't a woman to do this kind of thing, "You sure?" She shrugged, "Why not? I mean, I haven't had a break from missions since-" She cut herself off trying to think when the last time she had a break. She couldn't think of one and finished, "Awhile." Aaron looked at David with wonder, "Where's everyone else right now?" David gestured towards the room next door, "They've all been hanging out in Reid, Jemma, and Morgan's room." Melinda walked over with her and Aaron's bag as her bag was over her shoulder and she just carried his. Aaron turned to her not realizing she had his bag as well, "You got everything?" She nodded her head and handed him the hotel key as David opened the door letting the two out first. They met up with the group and handed the secretary the keys. "Why is Agent May carrying your bag?" Spencer asks Aaron. The others seemed to have noticed Melinda wasn't just holding her stuff. She wasn't listening, because she was texting Jack. Aaron looked at them and shrugged, now realizing she had his stuff. "So what do you ladies think about going to a bar in Quantico?" Emily asks the SHIELD agents and David gestured to Melinda, "May is already down. I told her for you." Emily looked shocked that she agreed to come, "Really? Cool! Jemma?" The British genius smiled and nodded as she grabbed Spencer's hand. She jumped with excitement to hang out with everyone. "I think it will be fun!" Jemma replied as they stopped when Aaron came to them, "Alright, let's go." The group began to make their way to the plane as Melinda was a little behind because she was texting and walking at the same time. JJ noticed and walked next to her wondering who she was texting. "Who are you talking to?" JJ asks and the Asian woman look up at her before smiling lightly, "Jack. He seems to enjoy talking to me for some reason. I don't make much of it." JJ smiled at her, "He looks up to you. I wouldn't be surprised if he started calling you mom." Melinda's eyes widened slightly at that as she never thought of that. What if he did start calling her mom? She's never really been a mother to anyone, except to Robin, Daisy, and the twins. "I heard you tell Henry and Jack that you would teach them some self-defense. Do you mind if I asked why?" JJ asks changing the subject as Melinda looked at her as they walked towards the plane. They stopped to talk face to face as everyone got on the plane. "I thought of it to make sure they're safe when no one is in the base. What if all of us had to go away on a mission and we couldn't find someone to take care of them? I know we would probably bring them, or leave them at the base. What if there's a threat trying to hurt them? It would be best if they knew certain stuff to protect themselves. If you want, you along with Aaron can supervise." Melinda explains and JJ nodded in approval, "Of course." They walked onto the plane, being the last ones on. JJ sat down with Emily, and Melinda sat next to Aaron. The plane took off, meaning they had a bit to just chill. "What were you two talking about?" Aaron asks Melinda and she looked at him for a minute, "Jack and Henry. Also about what I promised when I got back." Aaron looked at her curious, "I understand why you want to do it, but what made you want to do it?"

Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя